50 Pertanyaan Semantics dan Jawaban

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18. “The good man is very good “
Kata good pada kalimat di atas termasuk pasangan kata yang memiliki hubungan … .
A. synonym
B. antonym
C. homonym
D. polysemi

C. homonym

19. Pasangan dua kata di atas merupakan antonym jenis …antonym.
A. simple
B. reverse
C. converse
D. gradable

D. gradable

20. Kata ” tiger” dan ”lion” merupakan hyponym dari … .
A. creature
B. wild
C. dangerous

D. animal

D. animal

21. “ Sam is a giant”
Kalimat di atas merupakan methaphor yang dapat digolongkan pada jenis … methaphor .
A. dead
B. active
C. extended
D. implicit

B. active

22. Kalimat berikut yang mengandung homonym yang homophone dan homograph adalah … .
A. The data will be presented on tables which are now put on the table
B. You have to write the words in the right spelling
C. There are some students discussing their assignments
D. The teacher asked two students to present the conversation in front of the class

A. The data will be presented on tables which are now put on the table

23. “Wina was complaining about her new case”
Kata “case” dapat menimbulkan persepsi yang berbeda karena dapat menimbukan berbagai interpretasi berikut, kecuali … .
A. Wina was complaining about her new suitcase
B. Wina was complaining about her new police investigation
C. Wina was complaining about her new medical patient
D. Wina was complaining about her new problem

A. Wina was complaining about her new suitcase

24. Kalimat-kalimat berikut dapat menimbulkan structural ambiguity, kecuali kalimat … .
A. My father was reading magazine
B. Visiting friends can be interesting
C. Joko and Y anti are married
D. The man put his pen on the table

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A. My father was reading magazine

25. Pernyataan berikut yang termasuk kebenaran a priori adalah … .
A. Yesterday was Sunday , then today is Monday
B. You look so sleepy , If you drive car now it will be dengerous
C. My sister likes drinking coffee
D. Students refuse to be failed in the test

A. Yesterday was Sunday , then today is Monday

26. Kalimat berikut yang merupakan Necessary truth … .
A. Eating at night will make your body fat
B. Some activities are useful to train children to be decipline
C. Red is very popular color
D. Indonesia consist of islands

D. Indonesia consist of islands

27. Kalimat berikut yang merupakan syntactic truth adalah … .
A. A mother describes a new thing to her little son
B. A teacher helps the students understand the lesson
C. An unmarried woman doesn’t have children
D. There are seven days in a week

D. There are seven days in a week

28. Kalimat berikut yang memiliki makna non literal adalah… .
A. His grade in English is not too good
B. The show was really good last night
C. My sister’ s grades were really poor
D. She is a very tall girl

A. His grade in English is not too good

29. ”Arini lives with Rudy and Sinta who are married to each other”
Kalimat berikut yang merupakan entailment dari kalimat di atas adalah … .
A. Arini lives with his parents
B. Arini lives with two people
C. Arini lives with exactly three people
D. Arini was already married

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B. Arini lives with two people

1) Exactly one cat came through the window .
2) There is a cat that Andy saw .
Dua kalimat di atas merupakan entailment dari salah satu kalimat berikut, yaitu … .
A. Andy saw a cat came through the window
B. A cat came when Andy was opening the window
C. Andy opened the window and saw a cat came
D. Andy saw a cat came and let it came through the window

A. Andy saw a cat came through the window

31. Pasangan berikut ini yang merupakan agentive noun dalam derivational relation adalah … .
A. depend/depender
B. cook/cooker
C. calculate/calculator
D. football/foofballer

C. calculate/calculator

1. Her husband is from Bandung
2. She is married
Hubungan dua kalimat di atas adalah … .
A. synonym
B. presupposition
C. entailment
D. tautology

C. entailment

33. “ The sun sets in the W est”
Kebenaran kalimat di atas berdasarkan pada … .
A. logic and truth
B. logic
C. empirical truth
D. tautologies

C. empirical truth

“ W e can’ t see the sun at night”
Kalimat di atas menurut pendapat Andrew Bernardin (2005) termasuk dalam jenis kebenaran … truth.
A. personal
B. human
C. social
D. universal

D. universal

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