31 Quiz Materi English for Children Lengkap Jawaban

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Soal (Esai) Materi English for Children

22. What should I teach my 6 year old?

A 6-year-old should: Begin to read books that are right for their age. Sound out or decode unfamiliar words.

This is the age when children should at least begin to:
1. Understand the concept of numbers.
2. Know day from night and left from right.
3. Be able to tell time.
4. Be able to repeat three numbers backward.

23. How can kids improve online classes?

Tip 1:
1. Start the class by introducing the topic and your lesson/meeting goals. …
2. Remember to take pauses. …
3. Repeat yourself. …
4. Don’t speak into the camera for the entire class. …
5. Ask questions of your participants or have them explain concepts to others. …
6. Make sure your participants use headphones or earbuds.

24. How can I teach my 3 year old English?


Ideas for teaching 2 and 3-year-olds in your ESL classroom
1. Understand their limitations and abilities. …
2. Play, play, play. …
3. Short activities. …
4. Allow a parent to join their child the lesson. …
5. Use a glove puppet. …
6. Only teach a few words each lesson. …
7. Sing lots of songs. …
8. Use lots of visuals.

25. How do children learn?


Children and teenagers learn by observing, listening, exploring, experimenting and asking questions. Being interested, motivated and engaged in learning is important for children once they start school. It can also help if they understand why they’re learning something

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26. How do you teach language skills?


Try these and see which ones work best for your students!
1. Encourage conversation. …
2. Model syntactic structure. …
3. Maintain eye contact. …
4. Remind students to speak loudly and articulate clearly. …
5. Explain the subtleties of tone. …
6. Attend to listening skills. …
7. Incorporate a “question of the day.”

27. How can I teach my child English online?


How to Teach Kids English Online
1. Speak Slowly. Even when speaking to kids in their native language, adults have a tendency to speak quickly and rattle off a lot of information at once. …
2. Break It Down. …
3. Use Props and Visual Aids. …
4. Bring in Audio and Video Components. …
5. Learn Their Interests. …
6. Offer Rewards. …
7. Be Silly. …
8. Smile.

28. How can I make my child love English?


Motivating Children to Learn English: Going beyond Bribery
1. Be More Than Just a Teacher. …
2. Keep Yourself Motivated. …
3. Be an Individual. …
4. Have fun and be silly. …
5. Encourage. …
6. Make your students Active Learners. …
7. Play Games. …
8. Get Them Moving.

29. Can a child learn a language from TV?

Watching television or videos – even programs billed as educational – does not help children under age 2 learn language. Babies and toddlers learn new words and develop language skills by listening and interacting with caring adults – real talk from real people, not TV or videos

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30. How many languages can a child learn?


It is entirely possible to teach an infant two or even three languages, and four is not unheard of. In Europe, a great many toddlers learn four languages with little or no difficulty.

31. What behaviors should a 5 year old expect?


In general terms, 5-year-olds are coming into their own. You may find that your boys are more empathetic and kind to others, but may also accuse others of cheating if they lose a game. Children this age love to play and use their imaginations, but these imaginations can also scare them.

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