Rangkuman Materi, Contoh Soal Expressions Of Compliment & Pembasahannya

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Compliment expressions atau bisa kita sebut juga expressions of praise adalah ungkapan memuji seseorang karena suatu hal yang positif, seperti prestasi, kinerja, fisik, atau sifat yang menjadikan si pemuji terkesan atau terpikat dengan hal positif tersebut

Di bawah ini adalah tabel ungkapan memuji (compliment expression) dalam bahasa Inggris secara umum:


Polite responses (respon yang sopan/rendah hati)

  1. Your are very great
  2. You are such an excellent man that …
  3. What a great you are!
  4. That’s very fantastic
  5. How  amazing what you’ve done is!
  • Thanks but it is because of you
  • I am just an ordinary person
  • I think this is not optimal
  • Thanks I hope I can do better next
  • I must learn more exactly from you
  • Nope. I think you are better than me

Ada dua pola ketika kita menggunakan ungkapan memuji (expressions of compliment): menggunakan interjection (kata seru) dan exclamation (kalimat seru).

Compliment expression (ungkapan memuji) dengan interjection (kata seru)

Dalam hal ini kita cukup menggunakan satu kata sifat (adjective) yang diakhiri tanda seru saja namun adjective yang dimaksud harus memiliki sense atau kesan positif. Contohnya: 

Great ! (hebat), Amazing! (luar biasa), Excellent! (mantap, luar biasa), The best! (terbaik lah), Very good! (bagus sekali), Good! (bagus), Sexy! (keren), Incredible! (luar biasa), Marvelous! (keren), Beautiful! (cantiknya), Nice! (baiknya, bagus), Elegant (gagahnya), Suitable! (cocok, pantas), Sweet! (manisnya), Pretty! (cantiknya), Clever! (cerdas), Smart! (pintar), Dilligent! (rajin), Melodious! (merdu), Fabulous! (Menakjubkan), Delicious! (Sedap, enak)

Compliment expression (ungkapan memuji) dengan exclamation (kalimat seru)

Dalam hal ini kita menggunakan kalimat seruan namun kalimat tersebut harus memuat adjective (kata sifat) yang memiliki sense atau kesan positif dan lebih baik disertai alasan (reason) mengapa kita memuji seseorang/sesuatu tersebut. Contohnya:

Expressions Of Compliment

Perhatikan beberapa dialog (conversation/dialogue) tentang penggunaan expression of compliment di bawah ini!

Dialogue 1

Rahma            : Look! Akiko is smiling at you!

Jordy              : Oh, God! What a pretty girl! She has a white skin with long blonde hair like Luna “The sailormoon”. I hope I can be that Japanese girl’s boyfriend!

Rahma            : Don’t daydream!


  • Expression of compliment: What a pretty girl! (Reason: She has a white skin with long blonde hair like Luna “The sailormoon”).
  • Response: Nope

Dialogue 2:

Reinhard         : Alhamdulillah, I just won the English debate this year. I defeated my great debate partners from several provinces in Indonesia. They are all the best actually but I was just lucky.

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Cecilia             : Wow, your are the best! You are proper to be the next delegation of International Students Forum from Indonesia next year.

Reinhard         : Thanks, Cel! I would be nothing if I did not learn English then practice hard.


  • Expression of compliment: Wow, your are the best! You are proper to be the next delegation of International Students Forum from Indonesia next year.
  • Response: Thanks, Cel! I would be nothing if I did not learn English then practice hard.

Dialogue 3

Lyodra            : Did you see my last singing performance in the Grand final of Indonesian idol?

Lulung             : Yes, I did. How melodious your voice is! You are alike an international singer. You proper to get an album.

Lyodra            : Thanks! But I am nothing without my family’s, my relatives’, my best friend’s praying and supporting me.


  • Expression of compliment: How melodious your voice is! You are alike an international singer. You proper to get an album.
  • Response: Thanks! But I am nothing without my family’s, my relatives’, my best friend’s praying and supporting me.

Soal No.1

Bily : Look at the car over there! I think it is the most futuristic car that Ferrari has ever created

Tomy: __________________.

  1. That’s too ridiculous
  2. What a great car!
  3. How futuristic is it?
  4. I don’t think the car is very great
  5. What great the car is


What a great car! Bermakna “Betapa hebatnya mobil itu! Menyatakan expression of compliment (ungkapan memuji). Berikut perbaikan tiap-tiap opsi jawaban agar menjadi expression of compliment!

  • Opsi A = That’s amazing/great/marvelous! (Mobil itu keren/hebat/luar biasa!)
  • Opsi C = How futuristic it is! (Sungguh mobil yang futuritik/masa depan!)
  • Opsi D = I think the car is very great. (Menurutku mobil itu sangat keren.)
  • Opsi E = How great the car is! (Betapa kerennya mobil itu!)

Jawaban B

Soal No.2

A: You got the best result of your swimming test. You are very fantastic!

B: __________________

(Choose one inappropiate answer!)

  1. Don’t admire me too much. I am not great one.
  2. But you are greater than me.
  3. It was caused by my hard work and your motivation.
  4. Yes, I am. Even nobody could defeat me in previous physics test
  5. Thanks but I did a usual thing
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Response terhadap pujian (compliment) harus sopan dan tetap rendah hati alias tidak sombong. Jawaban-jawaban seperti, Don’t admire me too much. I am not great one (Jangan memujiku berlebihan. Saya bukan orang hebat, kok!, Thanks, but you are greater than me (Terima kasih, tetapi kamu lebih hebat daripada saya), It was caused by my hard work and your motivation (Keberhasilan ini semata-mata karena kerja kerasku dan motivasimu), Thanks, but I did a usual thing (terima kasih, tetapi saya henya melakukan hal yang biasa).

Opsi D menunjukan kesan yang agak sombong atau meninggi sehingga tidak tepat dijadikan respon atas pujian seseorang. Yes, I am. Even nobody could defeat me in previous physics test (Ya, aku memanglah hebat. Bahkan tak seorangpun bisa mengalahkanku di tes olahraga sebelumnya).

Jawaban D

Soal No.3

Alex :  is that unique house yours?

Joe              : Yes, That is

Alex            : Wow, how amazing the house is! It is so beautiful!

The underline part in thedialogue expresses ____

  1. Unbelievable
  2. Compliment
  3. Congratulation
  4. Shocking
  5. Anger


Kalimat how amazing the house is (betapa kerennya rumah itu) menunjukan expression of compliment (ungkapan pujian). Pemaknaan opsi lainnya:

  • Opsi A = Unbelievable artinya “Menunjukan kaget/sukar dipercaya”
  • Opsi C = Congratulation artinya “mengucapkan selamat!”
  • Opsi D = Shocking artinya “Menunjukan kaget”
  • Opsi E = Anger artinya “ Menunjukan marah/kemarahan”

Jawaban B

Soal No.4

Which one is the correct expression of compliment?

  1. Not bad! I really hope you can easily finish this project well
  2. That’s very marvelous. I want you to share that artwork after you finish it.
  3. That’s very good but it’s too expensive
  4. I am keen on seeing your way of speaking in front of audience although sometimes I dislike it
  5. In my view, what I did was not optimal at all


Ungkapan memuji (expression of compliment) yang paling tepat ditunjukan opsi B That’s very marvelous. I want you to show that artwork in the exhibition after you finish it. (Itu sangat hebat. Saya ingin kamu memamerkan karya senimu di pameran setelah kamu menyelesaikannya). Sedangkan ungkapan yang lain bukanlah memuji karena ditandai dengan sense atau kata-kata negatif:

  • Opsi A = Not bad tidak menunjukan compliment expression
  • Opsi C = But too expensive tidak menunjukan compliment expression
  • Opsi D = Although sometimes I dislike it tidak menunjukan compliment expression
  • Opsi E = In my view, what I did was not optimal at all tidak menunjukan compliment expression tetapi menunjukan giving opinion expression (ungkapan memberi pendapat)
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Jawaban B

Soal No.5

David: _______________________

Talita: Thanks Tom. Because of your motivation, I could win speech contest yesterday

  1. That’s too bad. What trouble with you?
  2. Wow, you did the great thing. How perfectly you did your last speech!
  3. What a tight contest! I hope you can do better next.
  4. I think you feel very disappointed. Do it better next, guy!
  5. That is so embarrassing! I can’t stand seeing your deepest sorrow 


Dalam dialog di atas, terutama dari kalimat: Thanks Tom. Because of your motivation, I could win speech contest yesterday  tersurat jika Talita menjuarai kontes pidato kemarin.  Ungkapan memuji (expression of compliment) yang paling tepat ditunjukan opsi B. Wow, you did the great thing. How perfectly you did your last speech! (Wow, kamu melakukan hal hebat. Betapa sempurnanya kamu melakukan pidato terakhirmu) Sedangkan ungkapan yang lain bukanlah memuji karena ditandai dengan sense atau kata-kata negatif:

  • Opsi A = That’s too bad. What trouble with you? (Itu buruk sekali. Sebenarnya ada masalah apa denganmu?). Dalam kalimat di opsi A, tersirat jika Talita tidak juara/kalah.
  • Opsi C = What a tight contest! I hope you can do better next. (Sungguh kontes yang ketat! Saya harap kamu bisa melakukan hal yang lebih baik selanjutnya). Dari kalimat “Saya harap kamu bisa melakukan hal yang lebih baik selanjutnya” secara tidak langsung menyiratkan jika Talita kalah atau tidak juara)
  • Opsi D = I think you feel very disappointed. Do it better next, guy! (Saya rasa kamu sangat kecewa. Lakukan lagi dengan lebih baik kawan!). Dalam kalimat di opsi D, tersirat jika Talita tidak juara/kalah.
  • Opsi E: That is so embarrassing! I can’t stand seeing your deepest sorrow (Itu begitu memalukan! Saya tidak tahan melihat kesedihanmu yang mendalam). Dalam kalimat di opsi E, tersirat jika Talita tidak juara/kalah.

Jawaban B

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