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Subjunctive disebut juga expression of wish adalah aspek gramatikal yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu harapan atau keinginan, baik keinginan si masa sekarang (present) maupun keinginan di masa lampau (past) yang sama sekali tidak akan/tidak bisa terwujud karena adanya sebuah fakta yang tidak bisa terpenuhi atau tidak bisa diubah.
Perhatikan contoh di bawah ini
All students very wishes that their Biology teacher forgot about the test held today
What does the sentence mean?
- The Biology teacher really forgets the test that will be held today
- All students does the test today
- All students did not do the Biology test that day
- The teacher does not hold the test that day.
Untuk menjawab tipe soal tersebut, perhatikan analisis sederhana berikut ini: yang diharapkan atau inginnya siswa adalah guru Biologi lupa tentang test yang akan dilaksanakan hari ini (the Biology teacher really forgets the test that will be held today). Faktanya, si guru tidak lupa dan tes tetap dilaksanakan hari ini atau semua siswa tetap mengerjakan tes hari ini (All students does the test today)
Jadi subjunctive pastinya harus bertolak belakang dengan kenyataan (fact/real/meaning). What does the sentence mean? adalah pertanyaan yang mengungkapkan tentang fakta.
Agar mudah untuk menganalisis teori, silakan lihat tips cepat di bawah ini!
Quick tips 1:
- Tanda X bermakna subjunctive selalu bertolak belakang dengan kenyataan.
- Wish bermakna “inginnya/berharapnya” sedangkan as if/as though bermakna “seakan-akan atau seolah-olah”
- Subjunctive dalam quick tips 1 selalu diikuti oleh time clues for present seperti, now (sekarang), right now (saat ini), at the moment (sekarang), today (hari ini), etc
- Subjunctive dalam quick tips 1 selalu bertolak belakang dengan fakta (fact) dengan aturan sebagai berikut: jika subjunctive berbentuk past (were, verb 2/didn’t, could) maka fakta atau maknanya harus dalam bentuk present (are/am/is/verb1/don’t/doesn’t). Jadi subjunctive memiliki satu tense lebih tua dari pada kenyataan.
- Dalam subjunctive, penggunaan bentuk was tidak diperbolehkan. Penggunaan bentuk were dipakai untuk semua jenis subjek, termasuk subjek tunggal (singular subject) seperti she, he, it, dan I
Contoh analisis kalimat:
No | Subjunctive | What does the sentence mean? |
1 | Novel wishes his English Grammar book were published and distributed today.
(Novel berharap buku tata bahasa Inggrisnya diterbitkan dan didistribusilan hari ini) |
2 | Alex orders people around as if he were the owner of the restaurant.
(Alex memerintah orang-orang di sekitarnya seakan-akan dialah pemilik restaurant) |
3 | Right now, the kids are wishing they could play football in spite of the rain hard.
(Sekarang, anak-anak sedang berharap mereka bisa bermain bola meskipun hujan deras) |
4 | The tourists wish the Thailand’s beaches were more beautiful than those of Bali
(Para turis berharap pantai-pantai di Thailand lebih indah daripada pantai-pantai yang ada di Bali) |
Keterangan: istilah what does the sentence mean? Dalam pertanyaan adalah makna, kenyataan, atau fakta dari subjunctive
Quick tips 2:
- Subjunctive dalam quick tips 2 selalu diikuti oleh time clues for past seperti, last month (bulan lalu), ten minutes ago (sepuluh menit yang lalu), yesterday (kemarin), in 208, etc
- Subjunctive dalam quick tips 2 selalu bertolak belakang dengan fakta (fact) dengan aturan sebagai berikut: jika subjunctive berbentuk past perfect (had verb 2/been) maka fakta atau maknanya harus dalam bentuk present (was/were, verb 2/didn’t, could)
Contoh analisis kalimat:
No | Subjunctive | Fact/Real/Meaning |
1 | Ngu Yen wished he had renovated his house before the Winter’s coming.
(Ngu Yen berharap ia sudah merenovasi rumahnya sebelum datangnya musim dingin) |
2 | Last week, Restu cried as though he had seen the most touching moment in his life. to obtain (Minggu kemarin, Restu menangis seakan-akan ia telah melihat momen paling menyentuh dalam hidupnya) |
3 | Our parents wished we had been great gymnasts after our training in Europe
(Orang tua kita berharap kita menjadi pesenam hebat setelah latihannya di Eropa) |
4 | My friend was suddenly fired from his company as if he had made the fatal mistake.
(Temanku mendadak dipecat dari perusahaannya seolah-olah ia telah membuat kesalahan fatal) |
Soal No.1
Temukan makna atau arti dari subjunctive yang ada di bawah ini!
- They wished the snow in the city had been slushy.
Meaning: ___________________________________________________________________ - Pratama drove the sport car very fast as though he had been running after the F1 car on the race
Meaning: ___________________________________________________________________ - Bambang wished his father hadn’t bought this old fashioned house last year
Meaning:____________________________________________________________________ - Just wish you were in the great concert of Metalica now!
Meaning:______________________________________________________________ - They are finally lost as if they forgot the way home
Meaning:______________________________________________________________ - The governor of Anies Baswedan wishes that Jakarta would be free from traffic jam this moment.
- The snow wasn’t slushy
- Pratama was not running after F1 car and he did not drive his sport car on the race.
- Bambang’s father bought this old fashioned house last year
- You are not in the great concert of Metalica now
- Although they are lost, they do not forget the way home.
- Jakarta will not be free from traffic jam this moment.
Soal No.2
“Miss Nadine wishes she ______ face a problem during her long trip to Japan”
“We hope so”
- Will not
- Wouldn’t
- Would
- Would have been
- Will have
Penggunaan subjunctive verb dalam bentuk present (wishes) harus diikuti bentuk past, termasuk modal past tense (would/wouldn’t + Verb1). Lihat quick tips 1! “Nona Nadine berharap ia tidak akan menemukan masalah selama perjalanannya ke Jepang.”
Jawaban B
Soal No.3
“Don’t speak as though you knew everything in this case”
From the sentence you apparently……
- Know everything
- Are under pressure
- Knew nothing
- Didn’t know anything
- Don’t know anything
“Jangan berbicara seakan-akan kamu tahu segalanya tentang masalah ini” (dituangkan dalam bentuk past). Perhatikan bentuk tenses setelah konjungsi as though (seakan-akan). Maka maknanya harus berbentuk present dan berkebalikan (dia sebenarnya tidak tahu apa-apa).
Jawaban E
Soal No.4
“Problems of transportation have caused donated food and clothing for the tsunami victims to be piled up at the airport”
“I wish _____”
- There are more volunteer to help
- The victims should not have been worried
- The government can ask for help
- The problem will be solved immediately
- There were more helicopters available
Masalah transportasi telah menyebabkan pasokan makanan dan pakaian untuk korban tsunami menumpuk di bandara. “Problems of transportation have caused donated food and clothing for the tsunami victims to be piled up at the airport”. Kalimat fakta tersebut dituangkan dalam bentuk present. Maka harapannya (subjunctivenya) harus berbebtuk past (verb 2, did not, atau was/were). I wish there were more helicopters available. (Saya harap ada helikopter lebih)
Jawaban E
Soal No.5
He orders people around as if he were the owner of the restaurant.
From the sentence we know that ….
- He has worked hard to own the restaurant
- He has been the owner for years
- He is very proud of his restaurant
- He is just an ordinary employee
- He is a successful businessman
Ia memerintah orang sekitar seakan-akan dialah pemilik restauran ini. (He orders people around as if he were the owner of the restaurant.). Bentuk subjunctive (setelah as if) dituangkan dalam bentuk past tense (he were), maka real-nya harus dalam bentuk present dan bertolak belakang secara makna dengan subjunctive tersebut. Faktanya: Ia hanya perkerja biasa (He is just an ordinary employee)
Jawaban D
Soal No.6
The fact is that Raffi’s mother would be shocked when she held a snake toy.
What does Raffi wish?
- He wishes his mother would have been shocked
- He wished his mother wouldn’t have been shocked
- He wished his mother were not shocked
- He wishes his mother is not shocked
- He wished his mother won’t be shocked
Fakta dalam soal tersebut dalam bentuk modal past (Raffi’s mother would be shocked when she held a snake toy). Artinya, Ibunya Raffi akan kaget ketika memegang mainan ular. Harapannya adalah (harus dalam bentuk modal perfect). Raffi wished his mother wouldn’t have been shocked. (Ibunya Raffi tidak kaget)
Jawaban B
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