49 Pertanyaan Discourse Analysis dan Jawaban

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18. A discourse analysis of written texts might include … .
A. language form and language function
B. the opening and closing sequences of social encounters
C. social and cultural factors
D. a study of topic development and cohesion across the sentences

D. a study of topic development and cohesion across the sentences

19. Flowerdew identified four approaches to discourse analysis, including genre analysis, corpus-based studies, contrastive rhetoric, and … .
A. rank-scale model
B. speech acts sequences
C. ethnographic/naturalistic approaches
D. classroom discourse

C. ethnographic/naturalistic approaches

20. Dialogue paragraph has both grammatical function and a lexemic function such as … .
A. an initiating
B. countering
C. resolving unit
D. question

D. question

21. A comprehensive system of analysis treats classroom discourse as comprising five ranks, namely: lesson transaction, exchange, move, and … .
A. remark
B. act
C. think
D. propose

B. act

22. The expression “Look at the car” according to type of exchange is categorized as … .
A. closing
B. opening
C. response
D. follow up

B. opening

X: I spent an hour talking with the President
Y: Oh, really? That’s incredible!
The perlocutionary forces of the utterance above X expected that Y will ….
A. be proud of having a friend like X
B. give compliment and more respect
C. share the happiness with him/her
D. make sure that he/she really met the president

C. share the happiness with him/her

24. The lowest structure of spoken discourse is … .
A. interactional acts
B. encounter
C. exchange
D. transaction

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A. interactional acts

P1: Can you pass the salt, please?
Q1: Don’t you see I’m busy?
P2: Do not ever say like that to me again.
Q1: Okay .
Based on the conversation above P2 in the exchange structure functions as ….

A. Proffer
B. Counter
C. Contra

D. Satisfy


C. Contra

X1: Are you free tonight?
Y: Y es. Why?
X2: How about going to a cinema?
Based on the above conversation in the exchange linkage in phase structure, X2 is called ….
A. pre-exchange
B. head-exchange
C. post-exchange
D. middle -exchange

C. post-exchange

27. Acoording to Edmondson (1981: 100), there are two types of co-ordinate exhanges that may exist in an encounter, i.e. … .
A. Chaining and reciprocation
B. Proper and satisfy
C. Counter and contra
D. Pre –exchange and post axchange

A. Chaining and reciprocation

28. In classroom discourse analysis mostly focuses on … .
A. the nature of the discourse unit ‘lesson
B. a series of teaching and learning activities
C. exchanges between teacher and pupils concerning initiation-response-follow-up
D. certain transactions within lessons, such as informing, directing or eliciting

C. exchanges between teacher and pupils concerning initiation-response-follow-up

X: Who is the cleverest students in our class?
Y: I think Jonatan is the best.
Based on the above conversation, the answer of Y “I think Jonatan is the best”
according to dynamics moves can be inculded into … .
A. Dk 1
B. K1
C. K2
D. K2f

C. K2

30. Which one of the followings is the example of discourse in classroom?
A. Be careful, the traffic is crowded
B. Don’t smoke in this room
C. Have you got questions concerning the main idea?
D. Please, help me to bring this bag

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C. Have you got questions concerning the main idea?

31. Which of the followings is not an element of text infrastructure?
A. text organization
B. relation of phrase
C. paragraph relation
D. Cohesiveness of paragraph

B. relation of phrase

32. Discoveries and invention of devices are always welcome till we, humans, find a way to abuse its benefits and be adversely affected by it. This was the case when Wilhelm Roentgen discovered x-ray and within five years, the British Army was using a mobile x-ray unit to locate bullets and shrapnel in wounded soldiers in the Sudan. TV was also invented with positive thoughts in mind – there would be no national borders, education and communication would be worldwide, etc. However, we are now trying to overcome its physiological and psychological adverse effects on human beings. The paragraph above has … pattern
A. procedural
B. cause-effect
C. critical
D. argument

B. cause-effect

33. The hardest part of writing an essay or composition is finding the thesis. This is true for reasons that have little do to with grammar, style, or even organizational techniques. Y ou, as the student, have to be clear on your subject, knowledgeable, and sophisticated enough to present an argument that will be at least somewhat original and persuasive to a tutor who has already read a thousand essays, more or less, on your topic. The pattern of the above text is …
A. Specific statement
B. General statement
C. Specific-general
D. General-specific

B. General statement

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