Rangkuman Materi, Contoh Soal Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense & Pembahasannya

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Past future perfect continuous merupakan bentuk lampau dari present future perfect continuous. Aturan waktu ini digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu peristiwa atau perbuatan yang akan telah sedang berlangsung di di masa lampau. Sama seperti jenis tense yang lainnya, past future perfect continuous juga memiliki dua bentuk predikat utama, yaitu predikat berbentuk kata kerja (verbal form) dan predikat berbentuk bukan kata kerja atau predikat komplementer (nonverbal from). Perhatikan penjelasan di bawah ini tentang past future perfect continuous!

VERBAL FORM (Menggunakan predikat kata kerja)

Bentuk predikat berkata kerja dari past future perfect continuous terdiri dari tiga: bentuk positif (positive/declarative), bentuk negatif (negative/declarative), dan bentuk tanya (interrogative). 


Bentuk positif dari past future perfect continuous menggunakan kata kerja bantu modal perfect in past form (would + have) + been + continuous verb (verb -ing) 

Subject Would + Have + Been Verb (-ing) Object


Bentuk negatif dari past future perfect continuous  yaitu dengan menggunakan NOT atau NEVER setelah would have baru ditambahkan been + continuous verb (verb -ing) 

Subject Would + Have + Not + Been Verb (-ing) Object

Time signals:

Keterangan waktu yang lazim digunakan adalah: by last Christmas + for … (menjelang Natal kemarin … selama ….), by the end of last year + for …. (menjelang akhir …. lalu …. selama), by the time of previous day + for …(menjelang hari kemarin + selama …)



  1. For two weeks by the end of last year, The Narcotics Rehabilitation Centre would have been healing more or less fifty drugs users with medical and non medical therapies.

    (Selama dua minggu menjelang akhir tahun lalu, Pusat Rehabilitasi Narkotika akan sudah sedang menyembuhkan kurang lebih lima puluh pengguna obat-obatan dengan terapi-terapi medis dan nonmedis)

  1. By last summer, Alfonso would have been working with his new business partner from Egypt for about a month.

    (Menjelang Musim Panas tahun lalu, Alfonso akan sudah sedang bekerja dengan rekan kerja barunya dari Mesir selama sebulan)

  1. Naura, a human resources development staff, would have been recruiting new employees for three weeks by the time she retired last year

    (Naura, seorang staf SDM, akan sudah sedang merekrut para pekerja baru selama tiga minggu menjelang ia pensiun tahun lalu)

  1. The students of Geography Department would have been proposing their papers to major lecturer for one semesters by the time of their graduation last year

    (Para mahasiswa Jurusan Geografi akan sudah sedang mengusulkan skripsi mereka ke dosen pembimbing utama selama satu semester menjelang kelulusan mereka kemarin tahun kemarin)


  1. The opthalmogist wouldn’t have been giving an extra treatment to Regina’s irritating eyes for an hour by the time she was dead two days ago

    (Dokter mata tersebut belum akan sedang merawat matanya Regina yang iritasi selama satu jam menjelang ia meninggal dua hari yang lalu)

  1. Those electricians would not have been trying to connect the undersea optical cables for ten minutes by the time of last Monday.

    (Para teknisi listrik tersebut belum akan sedang mencoba menghubungkan kabel-kabel optik bawah laut selama satu jam menjelang hari Senin terakhir)

  1. For sixty minutes, by the time his uncle came from his visiting to Kampung Naga last week, Anton wouldn’t have been accomplishing his science project.

    (Selama enam puluh menit, menjelang pamannya datang dari kunjungan ke Kampung Naga minggu kemarin, Anton belum akan sedang menyelesaikan proyek sainsnya)

  1. Padmanaba would not have been digging the soil to find the hidden treasure by the time the rain hard fell an hour ago.

    (Padmanaba belum akan sedang menggali tanah untuk menemukan harta karun menjelang hujan turun sejam yang lalu)


Sama seperti jenis tense yang lain, jenis pertanyaan dalam past future perfect continuous juga dibagi dua: auxiliary atau yes/no-question dan informative/W/H-question. Perhatikan pola di bawah ini!

Auxiliary or Yes/No-Question (Apakah….akan sudah sedang …)

Would Subject Have + Been +  Verb (-ing) Object?

W/H or Informative Question

W/H Would Subject Have + Been + Verb (-ing) Object?


  • Yes/No-Question = Pertanyaan yang diawali dengan would dan menghendaki jawaban yes or no
  • W/HQuestion =Pertanyaan informatif yang diawali dengan what/when/where /who/why/how

Auxiliary or yes/no-Question:

  1. Would the pickpockets have been acting around the junction of traffic light for a half day by the time the police came and caught them two minutes ago?

    (Apakah para pencopet tersebut akan sudah sedang beraksi di sekitar perempatan lalu lintas selama setengah hari menjelang polisi datang dan menciduk mereka dua menit yang lalu?)

  1. Would that pretty princess have been mirroring in front of dressing table for hours by the time she married to a rich prince last week?

    (Apakah sang putri cantik tersebut akan sedang berkaca (berdandan) di depan meja rias selama berjam-jam menjelang ia menikah ke seorang pangeran kaya minggu lalu?)

  1. Would the milkmaid have been sleeping in her cows barn for minutes by the time her father came and woke her up?

    (Apakah si pemerah susu sapi tersebut akan sudah sedang tertidur di kandang sapi miliknya selama beberapa menit menjelang ayahnya datang dan membangunkannya)

Yes/No atau informative question

  1. Why would the delivery man have been riding a wrong motorbike around the city bridge by the time he came here to drop my offer?

    (Mengapa si kurir tersebut akan sudah sedang mengendarai motor yang salah di sekitar jembatan kota menjelang ia datang kemari mengantarkan pesananku?)

  1. Where would the spy have been capturing some mysterious woman’s pictures for days by the time he submitted them to the police to investigate.

    (Di mana mata-mata tersebut akan sudah sedang mengambil beberapa foto wanita misterius selama berhari-hari menjelang ia menyerahkan foto-foto tersebut ke polisi untuk diusut?)

  1. How much sausage would that greedy kid have been eating by the time he got satisfied and was sleepy?

    (Berapa banyak sosis yang si bocah rakus tersebut akan sudah sedang makan menjelang ia merasa kenyang dan mengantuk?)


Bentuk non-verbal dari past future perfect continuous menggunakan komplemen yang terdiri dari kata sifat (adjective), kata benda (noun), dan keterangan tempat (adverb of place)

Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense


  1. A catholic nun, would have been being a head of kidney foundation for two months by the time somebody else overtook that position last year (Noun phrase).

    (Seorang biarawati akan sudah sedang menjadi kepala yayasan ginjal selama dua bulan menjelang seseorang mengambil-alih posisi tersebut tahun lalu)

  1. For days, by the time of the shop owner took apology last week, that film actor would have been being disappointed to the service of a shop that sells blouse and coat (Adjective phrase)

    (Selama berhari-hari, menjelang si pemilik toko meminta maaf minggu kemarin, Aktor film tersebut akan sudah sedang kecewa ke pelayanan sebuah toko yang menjual blus dan jas)

  1. M sleepy persian cat would have been being in front of filling cabinet for hours by the time I fed it yesterday (Adverb of place)

    (Kucing persiaku yang sedang mengantuk akan sudah sedang berada di depan rak arsip selama berjam-jam menjelang saya memberinya makan kemarin)

Soal No.1

By the time of night coming yesterday, the pathfinders________ an olny path toward the waterfalls for hours

  1. Will have been clearing
  2. Cleared
  3. Would have cleared
  4. Would have been clearing
  5. Would be clearing


Ingat, time signal (penanda waktu) untuk past future perfect continuous tense adalah by last Christmas + for … (menjelang Natal kemarin … selama ….), by the end of last year + for …. (menjelang akhir …. lalu …. selama), by the time of previous day + for …(menjelang hari kemarin + selama …). kalimat di atas menggunakan penanda waktu for hours dan  by the time of night coming yesterday, maka kita pilih opsi yang D.

Jawaban D

Soal No.2

For twenty minutes, by the end of the party last Saturday, the dancers ___________ their ability of dancing in front of the special guests.

  1. Would show
  2. Would be showing
  3. Will be showing
  4. Had been showing
  5. Would have been showing


Ingat, time signal (penanda waktu) untuk past future perfect continuous tense adalah by last Christmas + for … (menjelang Natal kemarin … selama ….), by the end of last year + for …. (menjelang akhir …. lalu …. selama), by the time of previous day + for …(menjelang hari kemarin + selama …). kalimat di atas menggunakan penanda waktu for twenty minutes, by the end of the party last Saturday, maka kita pilih opsi yang E.

Jawaban E

Soal No.3

For about a day, a backhoe operator ________ a large amount of mud from the Kalimalang river by the time the governoor of Anies Baswedan inspected the river yesterday.

  1. Would have been removing
  2. Removed
  3. Would have removed
  4. Would be removing
  5. Had been removing


Ingat, time signal (penanda waktu) untuk past future perfect continuous tense adalah by last Christmas + for … (menjelang Natal kemarin … selama ….), by the end of last year + for …. (menjelang akhir …. lalu …. selama), by the time of previous day + for …(menjelang hari kemarin + selama …). kalimat di atas menggunakan penanda waktu For about a day + by the time the governoor of Anies Baswedan inspected the river yesterday, maka kita pilih opsi yang A.

Jawaban A

Soal No.4

By the time of last new year, the Bandung’s people ________ in the city landmark to see the show of beautiful fireworks for thirty minutes

  1. Would have gathered
  2. Will have been gathering
  3. Would be gathering
  4. Gathered
  5. Would have been gathering 


Ingat, time signal (penanda waktu) untuk past future perfect continuous tense adalah by last Christmas + for … (menjelang Natal kemarin … selama ….), by the end of last year + for …. (menjelang akhir …. lalu …. selama), by the time of previous day + for …(menjelang hari kemarin + selama …). kalimat di atas menggunakan penanda waktu By the time of last new year + for thirty minutes, maka kita pilih opsi yang E

Jawaban E 

Soal No.5

For two hours, the participants of stand up comedy audition __________ to take their turn of showing his/her jokes to the jury by the time the audition was closed two days ago.

  1. Would be standing in queue
  2. Would have been standing in queue
  3. Had stood in queue
  4. Would be standing in queue
  5. Were standing in queue 


Ingat, time signal (penanda waktu) untuk past future perfect continuous tense adalah by last Christmas + for … (menjelang Natal kemarin … selama ….), by the end of last year + for …. (menjelang akhir …. lalu …. selama), by the time of previous day + for …(menjelang hari kemarin + selama …). kalimat di atas menggunakan penanda waktu by the time the audition was closed two days ago + for two hours, maka kita pilih yang B

Jawaban B

Semoga Bermanfaat

Artkel Terkait  24 Ucapan Selamat Ulang Tahun untuk Kakak yang Islami

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