Rangkuman, Contoh Soal Present Future Perfect Continuous & Pembahasannya

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Present future perfect continuous adalah tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan atau aktivitas yang dimulai dan masih sedang berlangsung  di masa yang akan datang. Untuk lebih sederhana, kita bisa menyebut tense ini dengan bentuk akan sudah sedang. Sama seperti jenis tense yang lain, present future perfect continuous dibagi menjadi dua jenis: bentuk verbal (verbal form) dan bentuk nonverbal (nonverbal form). Perhatikan penjelasan di bawah ini!

VERBAL FROM (Menggunakan predikat kata kerja)

Bentuk predikat berkata kerja dari present future perfect continuous terdiri dari tiga: bentuk positif (positive/declarative), bentuk negatif (negative/declarative), dan bentuk tanya (interrogtive).


Bentuk positif dari present  future perfect continuous menggunakan kata kerja bantu present modal (will) + (perfect auxiliary + verb -ing), yaitu Have + Been + Verb (–ing). 


Will + Have Been +Verb (-ing)


Bentuk negatif dari present future perfect continuous menggunakan NOT atau NEVER setelah will baru ditambahkan Have + Been + Verb (-ing) 


Will Not + Have Been + Verb (-ing)


Time clues:
Penanda tense yang lazim digunakan dalam present future perfect continuous tense adalah kombinasi dari for (selama) dan by (of) …. atau by the end (of) … atau by the time (of) …. [menjelang].

Present Future Perfect Continuous


  1. For several days, the creator of you tube video will have been posting some useful videos about educational motivation by the time of the National Examination days.
    (Selama beberapa hari, pembuat video you tube akan sudah sedang memosting beberapa video bermanfaat tentang motivasi pendidikan menjelang hari-hari Ujian Nasional)
  1. All florists in this markets will have been planting many sunflower seeds to beautify this new park for two days by the time the President comes to see it.
    (Semua tukang bunga di pasar ini akan sudah sedang menanam banyak biji bunga matahari untuk mempercatik taman ini selama dua hari menjelang presiden datang untuk melihat taman tersebut)
  1. For a day, two-third senior poets will have been writing some best poems in an International Poem Festival held in Japan by the end of this month.
    (Selama sehari, dua pertiga penyair senior akan sudah sedang menulis beberapa puisi terbaik dalam sebuah festifal puisi internasional yang diselenggarakan di Jepang menjelang akhir bulan ini)
  1. By the time of your mother’s adopting a child, I will have been suggesting her to have pregnacy program in a health clinic for a month.
    (Menjelang ibumu mengadopsi seorang anak, saya akan sudah sedang menyarankannya untuk mengikuti program kehamilan di klinik kesehatan selama satu bulan)


  1. The astronouts will not have been exploring the surface of Mars for five hours by the time of American Independence Day celebration.
    (Para astronot belum akan sedang menjelajah permukaan Mars selama lima jam menjelang perayaan Hari Kemerdekaan Amerika)
  1. By the the time of UN’s investigation, some scientists won’t have been investigating the leak of nuclear radiation in Chernobyl for a month.
    (Menjelang penyelidikan PBB, sejumlah ilmuwan belum akan sedang menginvestigasi kebocoran radiasi nuklir di Chernobyl selama sebulan)
  1. For six weeks, Aliesya will not have been having her paper revised by her main lecturer by the time of her brother’s graduation from college.
    (Selama enam minggu, Aliesya belum akan sedang meminta skripsinya direvisi oleh dosen pembimbing utamanya menjelang kelulusan adiknya dari perguruan tinggi.)
  1. The notebooks seller won’t have been giving big discounts to attract the prospective buyers by the time of the last day of electronic devices exhibiton.
    (Penjual notebook tersebut belum akan sedang memberikan diskon-diskon besar untuk menarik pembeli menjelang hari terakhir pameran peralatan elektronik tersebut)


Sama seperti jenis tense yang lain, jenis pertanyaan dalam present future perfect continuos juga dibagi dua: auxiliary atau yes/no-question dan informative/W/H-question. Perhatikan pola di bawah ini!

Auxiliary or Yes/No-Question (Apakah….akan sudah sedang….)

Will Subject Have Been + Verb (-ing) Object?

W/H or Informative Question

W/H Will Subject Have Been + Verb (-ing) Object?


  • Yes/No-Question = Pertanyaan yang diawali dengan WILL dan menghendaki jawaban yes or no
  • W/HQuestion =Pertanyaan informatif yang di awali dengan what/when/where /who/why/how


Auxiliary atau yes/no-question

  1. Will Baim have been collecting the priceful stones which he digs from the soil by the time he sells his house?
    (Apakah Baim akan sudah sedang mengoleksi batu-batuan berharga yang ia gali dari dalam tanah menjelang ia menjual rumahnya?)
  1. Will the head class have been negotiating to the teacher about the implementation of additional class by the time of this weekend?
    (Apakah si ketua kelas akan sudah sedang bernegosiasi dengan guru perihal pelaksanaan kelas tambahan menjelang akhir minggu ini?)
  1. Will these officers have been taking their days off for one day or more by the time the upcoming Winter?
    (Apakah para pegawai kantor itu akan sudah sedang mengambil cuti selama sehari atau lebih menjelang datangnya msuim dingin?)

Yes/No atau informative question

  1. When will the author of the book have been totally revising her/his error writing found in its first pages?
    (Kapan si penulis buku akan sudah sedang memperbaiki secara total penulisan-penulisan yang salah yang ditemukan di halaman-halaman pertama buku tersebut?)
  1. Where will those Indonesian football players have been taking the physical training for a week by the time the last match againts Thailand?
    (Di mana para pesepakbola Indonesia itu akan sudah sedang melakukan latihan fisik selama seminggu menjelang pertandingan terakhirnya melawan Thailand?)
  1. What will the senior film actors have had doing for three-day visit to Italy by the time they are involved in a great film?
    (Apa yang akan sudah sedang para aktor senior tersebut lakukan selama tiga hari kunjungannya ke Italia menjelang mereka terlibat dalam sebuah film besar?)

NON-VERBAL FORM (menggunakan predikat bukan kata kerja)

Bentuk non-verbal selalu berpredikat pelengkap atau complement. Pelengkap tersebut terdiri dari frasa kata sifat (adjective phrase), frasa kata benda (noun phrase), dan keterangan tempat (adverb of place). Perhatikan pola di bawah ini!
Present Future Perfect Continuous
Contoh penggunaan non-verbal:

  1. This smart guy will have been being a scientific fiction films director  by the time he is nominated to be a governoor.(Noun phrase)(Orang baik ini akan sedang menjadi seorang sutradara film-film fiksi ilmiah menjelang ia dicalonkan menjadi seorang gubernur.)
  1. The surgeons will have been being so nervous by the time they take operation to a lung cancer sufferer .(Adjective phrase)
    (Para dokter bedah tersebut akan sudah sedang gugup menjelang mereka melakukan tindakan operasi ke salah satu penderita kanker paru-paru)
  1. Those rescue team won’t have been being in a blocke channel  for hours by the time the massive flood strikes the city. (Adverb of place)
    (Para tim penyelamat belum akan sedang berada di sebuah terowongan yang terblokir tersebut selama bejam-jam menjelang banjir besar melanda kota)

Soal No.1
By the time of the day of presidential general election, the ghost voters _________ direction for a day from one of presidential candidate to vote him/her

  1. Will get
  2. Got
  3. Had got
  4. Will have been getting
  5. Have been getting

Ingat, time clue (penanda waktu)  yang lazim digunakan dalam present future perfect continuous adalah: kombinasi antara for (selama) dengan by (of) …. atau by the end (of) … atau by the time (of) …. [menjelang].  Pertanyaan tersebut menggunakan penanda by the time of + for a day, maka kita gunakan bentuk S + Will + Have + Been + Verb (-ing). By the time of the day of presidential general election, the ghost voters will have been getting direction for a day from one of presidential candidate to vote him/her. “Menjelang hari pemilihan presiden, para pemberi suara hantu akan sudah sedang mendapatkan pengarahan selama sehari dari salah satu calon untuk memberikan suara kepadanya”
Jawaban D
Soal No.2
For a week, this businessman ___________ some properties in Bali by the time he goes to Hongkong.

  1. Will have been buying
  2. Would have been buying
  3. Will buy
  4. Will have bought
  5. Has been bought

Ingat, time clue (penanda waktu)  yang lazim digunakan dalam present future perfect continuous adalah: kombinasi antara for (selama) dengan by (of) …. atau by the end (of) … atau by the time (of) …. [menjelang].  Pertanyaan tersebut menggunakan penanda by the time + for a week, maka kita gunakan bentuk S + Will + Have + Been + Verb (-ing). For a week, this businessman will have been buying some proverties in Bali by the time he goes to Hongkong.” Selama seminggu, pebisnis ini akan sudah sedang membeli sejumlah properti di Bali menjelang ia pergi ke Hongkong”
Jawaban A

Soal No.3
Which sentence is grammatically correct?

  1. Why Restu will have been cooking all foods in this restaurant by the time he moves and works in another restaurant?
  2. By the end of this month, Cleopatra will has been watching the concert of BTS
  3. Muller will haven’t been hunting to the mount by the end of this Summer.
  4. Will Tiara’s father has been consumed “soto makasar” by the time of the fasting month?
  5. We will have been being so confused to do the test for an hour by the time of submitting it

Pola yang benar secara tata bahasa Inggris adalah yang opsi E yang menunjukan pola present future perfect continuous bentuk “S + Will + Have + Been + Verb (-ing)” yaitu  We will have been being  so confused to do the test for an hour by the time of submitting it. Perbaikan opsi jawaban yang lain adalah sebagai berikut:

  • Opsi A: Why will Restu have been cooking all foods in this restaurant by the time he moves and works in another restaurant?
  • Opsi B: By the end of this month, Cleopatra will have been watching the concert of BTS.
  • Opsi C: Muller won’t have been hunting to the mount by the end of this Summer.
  • Opso D: Will Tiara’s father have been consuming “soto makasar” by the time of the fasting month?

Jawaban E

Soal No.4
_____ the naughty boys _______ in the deep lake for minutes by the time their parents fetch them angrily?

  1. How, will have been swimming
  2. Would, have been swimming
  3. When will, swim
  4. Will, have been swimming
  5. Will have, swum

Ingat, time clue (penanda waktu)  yang lazim digunakan dalam present future perfect continuous adalah: kombinasi antara for (selama) dengan by (of) …. atau by the end (of) … atau by the time (of) …. [menjelang].  Pertanyaan tersebut menggunakan penanda by the time + for minutes, maka kita gunakan bentuk interrogative Will + S + Have + Been + Verb (-ing)? Will the naughty boys have been swimming in the deep lake for minutes by the time their parents fetch them angrily? “Apakah bocah-bocah nakal akan sudah sedang berenang di danau dalam selama beberapa menit menjelang orang tua mereka menjemput mereka marah-marah”
Jawaban D

Soal No.5
By the time your wallet is found by a someone, you __________ so sadly in front of your parents for minutes.

  1. Would have been crying
  2. Will have been crying
  3. Will be crying
  4. Are cried
  5. Have been cried

Ingat, time clue (penanda waktu)  yang lazim digunakan dalam present future perfect continuous adalah: kombinasi antara for (selama) dengan by (of) …. atau by the end (of) … atau by the time (of) …. [menjelang].  Pertanyaan tersebut menggunakan penanda by the time + for minutes, maka kita gunakan bentuk S + Will+ Have + Been + Verb (-ing). By the time your wallet is found by a someone, you __________ so sadly in front of your parents for minutes. “Menjelang dompetmu ditemukan sesorang, kamu akan sudah sedang menangis di depan orang tuamu”
Jawaban B

Semoga Bermanfaat

Artkel Terkait  Pembahasan Biologi UN 2018 No. 16

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