Soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris Tahun 2015 Dan Pembahasannya

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Problems 1-3 are based on the following passage. Choose one option that best completes the blank spaces in the passages!

The present study sought to document the word reading and comprehension levels attained by children who were implanted by 5 year of age. It was hyphothesized that the improved speech perception abilities acquired with cochlear implantation would promote phonological coding skills. (1) …

Three subtest from diagnostic reading assessment batteries standardized on hearing children were administered to 181 children between 8 year 0 month and 9 years 11 month of age who had 4 to 6 years of implant experience. (2) … it included a lexical decision task, a rhyme task and the digit span subtest of the Wechsler Intelegence Scale for Children.

Over half of the children scored within the average range for their age compared with the normative data for hearing children. (3) … they were higher nonverbal intelligence, higher family socio-economic status, female gender and later onset of deafness (between birth and 36 month).

(Adapted from journal of ear and hearing)

Soal No.1

Which option best completes (1)?

  1. The finding showed that the hypothesis was accepted
  2. The implantation was eventually shown to be successful
  3. The following paragraph would discuss the findings of the study
  4. The objective of the study was to see the subjects reading skills
  5. It would also facilitate the acquisition of beginning reading skills

Pada paragraf pertama dijelaskan tentang kemampuan membaca dan pemahaman kata yang dicapai oleh anak-anak yang ditanamkan pada usia 5 tahun. Hipotesanya bahwa peningkatan kemampuan tersebut akan menaikkan kemampuan perbendaharaan bahasa.

Maka opsi yang tepat untuk melengkapi paragraf 1: “It would also facilitate the acquisition of beginning reading skills” (ini yang akan memfasilitasi perolehan keterampilan pada permulaan membaca).
Jawaban E

Soal No.2

Which option best completes (2)?

  1. Likewise, the children were obliged to take a reading test.
  2. In addition a battery of processing measures was administered.
  3. However, standard measurement wa applied to test the subjects.
  4. Consequently, the assessment was used to evaluate the reading skills.
  5. Instead, an interview consisting of many different tasks was conducted.

Pada paragraf kedua menginformasikan tentang tiga subtes dari deretan penilaian diagnostik membaca … penilaian diagnostik tersebut menggunakan skala intelejensia Wechsler.

Maka opsi yang tepat untuk melengkapi paragraf 2: “In addition a battery of processing measures was administered” (selain itu serangkaian tindakan yang diberikan selama proses).
Jawaban B

Soal No.3

Which option best completes (3)?

  1. The results were categorized based on the subject’s status.
  2. Data were collected on the basis of several different items.
  3. Reading competence was associated with three aspects.
  4. The subjects consisted of different age children.
  5. Findings showed various levels of reading skills.

Pada paragraf ketiga “Over half of the children scored within the average range for their age compared with the normative data for hearing children. … they were higher nonverbal intelligence, higher family socio-economic status, female gender and later onset of deafness (between birth and 36 month)”. Opsi yang tepat untuk melengkapi paragraf 3 adalah “Reading competence was associated with three aspects”, tiga aspek yang dimaksud yaitu they were higher nonverbal intelligence, higher family socio-economic status, female gender and later onset of deafness (between birth and 36 month).
Jawaban C

Problems 4-9 are based on the following passage

These are amazing advances, but while all this scientific back-slapping is going on, the dark cloud on the horizon is the emerging Ebola epidemic in West Africa and the warning undercurrent that comes with it. At the time of writing at least 7000 people have been infected and half of those have died. The CDC in America also estimate that, because the level of reporting is so poor, the numbers can, in all likelihood, be doubled or even tripled. And because the rates of infection appear to be growing exponentially, tens of thousands, or even millions, might ultimately be affected.

To put the scale of the present situation into perspective, since the first recorded case of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo 38 year ago there have been fever than 2.500 death documented in total. So this single present outbreak is already three times larger than the entire Ebola death toll ever. It’s also no longer just an African problem. The West has had its own wake-up call this week as the US and Spain, countries previously regarded as immune to the threat thanks to modern medicine, have reported imported cases of the condition and despite strict infection-control guidelines and practices, onward transmissions of Ebola on their home soil.

What is remarkable though is that, while Ebola is terrifying and dramatic in its impact when it causes an outbreak, it appears to be a relatively easy agent to fight. Experimental vaccines tested so far on animals have been impressively effective, protecting against even injection of the live Ebola virus. But because they are at a test stage, these agents, which will be critical if we’re to nip this outbreak in the bud, are nowhere near ready for mass production. Trials are only now getting underway of human versions of the vaccines in Oxford, UK, and the US. “Way too late,” many are saying, to prevent the inevitable.

So why is it that, nearly 40 years after Ebola first surfaced, the world finds itself in a state of panic, and up to ten thousand people are dead, owing to a bug that‘s probably preventable thanks to scientific research done decades ago? The answer is that Ebola was regarded as someone else’s problem. It was a tropical disease of low importance and (presumed to be) constrained by geography and climate to a part of the world that held little economic interest to the rest of us. But there in lies a salutary lesson: because if even a tiny fraction – less than 1% – of what the present outbreak is now costing the world in terms of lost productivity, humanitarian aid and human lives lost had been spent 20 years ago to develop an Ebola vaccine, we probably wouldn’t be in this position now. It’s easy to dismiss tropical diseases as an issue that won’t affect the West, but the present situation is a warming shot across our bows that we ignore at our peril.

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Soal No.4
How are the ideas in paragraphs 1 and 2 related?

  1. Paragraph 1 and 2 highlight the horror of the Ebola oubreak.
  2. Paragraph 1 contradicts the explanation of Ebola in paragraph 2.
  3. Paragraph 1 and 2 argue Ebola can be prevented with the latest vaccines.
  4. Paragraph 1 states the causes of Ebola and paragraph 2 explains the effects.
  5. Paragraph 1 defines an epidemic disease and paragraph 2 gives the examples.

Bagaimana ide-ide dalam paragraf 1 dan 2 terkait?
Keterkaitan paragraf 1 dan 2 terdapat pada kalimat:

… “emerging Ebola epidemic in West Africa and the warning undercurrent that comes with it” (epidemi Ebola yang muncul di Afrika Barat dan peringatan yang menyertainya).

… “this single present outbreak is already three times larger than the entire Ebola death toll ever” (hanya satu kali penularan sudah 3x lebih besar dari seluruh total kematian Ebola yang pernah ada).

Dua kalimat di atas berasal dari paragraf 1 dan paragraf 2 yang menyatakan tentang:
“Paragraph 1 and 2 highlight the horror of the Ebola oubreak”(paragraf 1 dan 2 menyoroti kengerian wabah Ebola).
Jawaban A

Soal No.5

Which of the following is most relevant with the idea of Ebola outbreak described in the passage?

  1. Scientists are developing a new drug, but they are running out of fund.
  2. A mother does not comfort her crying son who merely wants her attention.
  3. A diabetic man ignored a slight wound on his toe, the he got infected horribly
  4. Students choose not to study for an upcoming test since the test was book-open
  5. A recently launched book has caused a problem due to its contoversial content

Pertanyaan di atas adalah manakah dari pernyataan berikut ini yang paling relevan dengan penjelasan wabah Ebola pada teks tersebut?

Kalimat pada paragraf ke-3: … “while Ebola is terrifying and dramatic in its impact when it causes an outbreak, it appears to be a relatively easy agent to fight”. (ketika Ebola menular dengan mengerikan dan dramatis dalam dampaknya ketika menyebabkan wabah, tampaknya menjadi agen yang relatif mudah untuk dilawan).

Pernyataan yang paling relevan adalah “A diabetic man ignored a slight wound on his toe, the he got infected horribly” (seorang pria diabetes mengabaikan luka kecil di jari kakinya, dia terinfeksi secara mengerikan)
Jawaban C

Soal No.6

The assumption the author has about the West is …

  1. They act fast to prevent a disease only if it is important for them
  2. Tropical disease are considered exotic and dangerous by the people
  3. It is difficult to convince them that they need to send medical help to Africa
  4. They are really interested in developing Ebola vaccines for mass production
  5. They intentionally postpone developing Ebola vaccines because it is expensive

Maksud pertanyaan di atas: Asumsi penulis tentang orang Barat adalah …

Perhatikan kalimat terakhir pada paragraf terakhir: “It’s easy to dismiss tropical diseases as an issue that won’t affect the West, but the present situation is a warming shot across our bows that we ignore at our peril”. Orang Barat menganggap Ebola merupakan penyakit tropis yang tidak akan mempengaruhi Barat sehingga mereka tidak bertindak cepat untuk menanganinya.

Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah “They act fast to prevent a disease only if it is important for them”. (mereka akan bertindak dengan cepat untuk mencegah penyakit jika itu berpengaruh pada mereka).
Jawaban A

Soal No.7

Which sentences most effectively ilustrate the current Ebola prevalence?

  1. 2-4 of paragraph 1
  2. 1-2 of paragraph 2
  3. 2-3 of paragraph 3
  4. 1-2 of paragraph 4
  5. 4-5 of paragraph 5

Kalimat mana yang paling efektif menggambarkan meratanya wabah Ebola saat ini?

Perhatikan pada paragraf terakhir: “So why is it that, nearly 40 years after Ebola first surfaced, the world finds itself in a state of panic, and up to ten thousand people are dead, owing to a bug that‘s probably preventable thanks to scientific research done decades ago? The answer is that Ebola was regarded as someone else’s problem. It was a tropical disease of low importance and (presumed to be) constrained by geography and climate to a part of the world that held little economic interest to the rest of us. But there in lies a salutary lesson: because if even a tiny fraction – less than 1% – of what the present outbreak is now costing the world in terms of lost productivity, humanitarian aid and human lives lost had been spent 20 years ago to develop an Ebola vaccine, we probably wouldn’t be in this position now. It’s easy to dismiss tropical diseases as an issue that won’t affect the West, but the present situation is a warming shot across our bows that we ignore at our peril”.

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Maksud kalimat yang dicetak tebal adalah hampir 40 tahun setelah Ebola pertama kali muncul, dunia dalam keadaan panik, korban tewas hingga sepuluh ribu orang. Pernyataan pada kalimat tersebut sangat efektif karena menyebutkan data korban yang terinfeksi.
Jawaban D

Soal No.8
Paragraph in 3 implies that …

  1. Ebola vaccines are very complex and time consuming to create.
  2. Ebola vaccines should have been tested on humans much earlier.
  3. It is in appropriate for Ebola vaccines to be safely tested on humans.
  4. The UK and US are countries that are in urgent needs of Ebola vaccines.
  5. Testing Ebola vaccines on animals takes many years before their use on humans.

Paragraf 3 menyiratkan bahwa, perhatikan kalimat “Trials are only now getting underway of human versions of the vaccines in Oxford, UK, and the US. “Way too late,” many are saying, to prevent the inevitable” yang berarti uji coba untuk vaksin terlambat dilakukan. Maka jawaban yang sesuai adalah “Ebola vaccines should have been tested on humans much earlier” (vaksin Ebola seharusnya diuji pada manusia jauh lebih awal).
Jawaban B

Soal No.9
Which of the following best restates ideas of paragraf 4?

  1. Ebola has been a major problem for 40 years, so it will be over soon
  2. Ebola only affects the countries with little economic and political power
  3. The number of patients dying from Ebola will likely to remain the same
  4. Scientists are developing vaccines that can be used for animals and humans
  5. Had its vaccines been seriously created earlier, Ebola could have been cured

Pernyataan berikut mana yang paling tepat menyatakan ide paragraf 4?

Salah satu ide pokok pada paragraf 4: “what the present outbreak is now costing the world in terms of lost productivity, humanitarian aid and human lives lost had been spent 20 years ago to develop an Ebola vaccine, we probably wouldn’t be in this position now”. Maksud kalimat tersebut adalah akan lebih baik jika vaksin Ebola sudah ada lebih awal sehingga wabah dapat segera ditanggulangi.

Maka ide pokok yang tepat adalah “Had its vaccines been seriously created earlier, Ebola could have been cured”. (seandainya vaksin dibuat lebih awal maka Ebola dapat segera ditanggulangi)
Jawaban E

Questions 10-15 are based on the following passage


As spring arrives, albeit quite late this year for many of us, we notice the changing of seasons by the weather, but also by a host of natural events. Depending on where you live the, the crocuses may poke through the snow, the killdeer may be back, or the cherry trees may bloom. There is an orderly sequence of events that seems to occur, with various spring flowers appearing in order, red maple buds bursting into new leaves, or the old lilac by the barn scenting the air. This seasonal cycle of natural phenomena is called phenology. Global climate change appears to be interfering with the phenology of many species, at the very heart of species interactions.

In temperate regions like the northern half of the United States, there is comparatively little biological  activity in winter. Most plants are dormant, and so are the insects feeding on them. In turn, animals that rely on these insects, such as bats and birds, are hibernating or spending the cold months in more southerly locations. Ectotherms like reptiles and amphibians, which take their body warmth from their environment, also have active phases tied to the seasons. This long winter period constrains all the growing, breeding, and dispersing activitiesthat palnts animals do to a short favorable window. That’s what makes spring so vibrant, with plants flowering and putting on new growth, insects emerging breeding, and birds flying back to take advantage of this short-lived bounty. The onsets of each of these activities add up to so many phenological markers.

Different organism respond to different cues to initiate seasonal activities. Many plants will start growing leaves again after aset periodof dormancy, which very roughly dictates the leaf-out window. Cue that more precisely determine when the buds break can be soil temperature, air temperature, or water availability. Similarly, temperature cues can promote the beginning of insects activity. Day length itself can be the operative trigger for some seasonal events. It is only when there are a sufficient number of day light hours that reproduvtive hormones will be produced in many bird species.

The most energy-demanding period in the life of most animals is when they reproduce. For that reason, it is to their advantage to coincide breeding (and for many, the raising of young) during a period when food is most abundant. Caterpillars should hatch just as the young tender leaves of oak tree emerge, before they harden and becomes less nutritious. Breeding songbirds need to time the hatching of their young just during that peak in caterpillar activity. So they can take advantage of this rich source of protein to feed their offspring. Many species have evolved to exploit peaks in resource availability, so all these seemingly independent phenological events are indeed part of a complex web of precise interactions. Disruptions in seasonal events can have profound effects on ecosystems.

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Soal No.10

The author’s bias regarding spring phenology is that …

  1. Spring arrives late
  2. Spring is so enthusiastic
  3. Various spring flowers appear in order
  4. Birds are flying back to take advantage of short-lived bounty
  5. Many species have envolved to exploit peaks in resource availability

Opini penulis tentang fenologi musim semi adalah …

Perhatikan pada paragraf 4:

Periode  yang paling membutuhkan energi dalam kehidupan sebagian besar hewan adalah saat mereka bereproduksi. Karena alasan itu, adalah keuntungan bagi mereka untuk bercocok tanam ( dan bagi banyak orang, membesarkan anak) selama periode ketika makanan paling berlimpah. Ulat harus menetas tepat saat daun muda pohon ek yang lembut muncul, sebelum mengeras dan menjadi kurang bergizi. Membiakkan burung penyanyi perlu mengatur waktu penetasan anak mereka hanya selama puncak aktivitas ulat. Jadi mereka dapat memanfaatkan sumber protein yang kaya ini untuk memberi makan anak-anak mereka. Banyak spesies telah berevolusi untuk mengeksploitasi puncak dalam ketersediaan sumber daya, sehingga semua peristiwa fenologi yang tampaknya independen ini memang merupakan bagian dari jaringan kompleks interaksi yang tepat. Gangguan dalam peristiwa musiman dapat memiliki efek mendalam pada ekosistem.

Dari penjelasan paragraf 4 tersebut maka jawaban yang tepat adalah “Many species have envolved to exploit peaks in resource availability”. (banyak spesies yang terlibat untuk mengeksploitasi puncak ketersediaan sumber daya)
Jawaban E

Soal No.11

In presenting the ideas, the author starts by …

  1. Showing evidence of why scientist are concerned with phenology
  2. Describing the natural characteristics and definition of phenology
  3. Stating the needs for triggering phenological events
  4. Arguing how climate change is affecting phenology
  5. Reffering to global climate change

Perhatikan kalimat pada paragraf 1:

  • As spring arrives, albeit quite late this year for many of us, we notice the changing of seasons by the weather, but also by a host of natural events”. (saat musim semi tiba, meskipun cukup terlambat tahun ini bagi banyak dari kita, kita melihat perubahan musim oleh cuaca, tetapi juga oleh sejumlah peristiwa alam)
  • This seasonal cycle of natural phenomena is called phenology” (siklus musiman fenomena alam ini disebut fenologi).

Dalam menyampaikan ide, penulis memulai dengan …

“Describing the natural characteristics and definition of phenology” (mendeskripsikan ciri-ciri alam dan pengertian fenologi).
Jawaban B

Soal No.12

The author’s attitude towards sensational cycle of natural events is …

  1. Assertive
  2. Objective
  3. Optimistic
  4. Supportive
  5. Sympathetic

Sikap penulis terhadap siklus sensasional peristiwa alam adalah …

Pada teks dapat dilihat emosi/sikap penulis yang hanya menjelaskan peristiwa tersebut tanpa disertai adanya kontradiksi. Hal ini menunjukkan sikap penulis yang objektif (objective).
Jawaban B

Soal No.13
The paragraph following the passage most likely deals with …

  1. The interference of global climate change to species phenology
  2. Reasons for scientists to be concerned with phenology
  3. Processes in climate change to affect phenology
  4. The seasonal cycle of natural phenomena
  5. Factors triggering phenological events

Paragraf berikut ini kemungkinan besar berhubungan dengan …

Perhatikan paragraf 1 kalimat: “Global climate change appears to be interfering with the phenology of many species, at the very heart of species interactions” (perubahan iklim global tampaknya mengganggu fenologi banyak spesies, di jantung interaksi spesies)

Paragraf 4 kalimat: “Disruptions in seasonal events can have profound effects on ecosystems” (gangguan dalam peristiwa musiman dapat memiliki efek mendalam pada ekosistem).

Dari penjelasan kedua kalimat di atas maka “The interference of global climate change to species phenology” (gangguan perubahan iklim global terhadap fenologi spesies)
Jawaban A

Soal No.14

The ideas in the passage may be best summarized that …

  1. In winter plants are dormant and animals are hibernating
  2. Seasons change as the natural events do following them
  3. Winter constrains plants and animals from growing and breeding
  4. Different organisms respond to different cues for seasonal activities
  5. Phenological events represent a complex chain of natural interactions

Pertanyaan di atas: The ideas in the passage may be best summarized that … (Gagasan-gagasan dalam teks dapat diringkas sebagai berikut …)

Phenological events represent a complex chain of natural interactions” (peristiwa fenologi mewakili rantai kompleks dari interaksi alam).
Jawaban E

Soal No.15

Based on the passage, it can be hyphothesized that reproductive hormones in many birds’ species will not be produced if …

  1. There is an inadequate number of day light hours
  2. Seasons as well as local weather change a bit
  3. Those feeding on insects are hibernating
  4. No orderly sequence of event occur
  5. Global climate change happens

Berdasarkan teks tersebut dapat diambil hipotesa bahwa hormon reproduksi pada banyak spesies burung tidak akan diproduksi jika …

Perhatikan paragraf ketiga pada kalimat: “It is only when there are a sufficient number of day light hours that reproduvtive hormones will be produced in many bird species” (hanya ketika cukup waktu siang hari hormon reproduksi akan diproduksi di banyak spesies burung), hipotesanya jika waktu siang tidak cukup maka hormon reproduksi pada banyak spesies tidak akan terbentuk.

There is an inadequate number of day light hours” (jumlah jam cahaya siang hari tidak mencukupi)
Jawaban A

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