Rangkuman Materi, Contoh Soal Inversion Sentence & Pembahasannya

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Inversion adalah sebuah gejala dalam bahasa inggris dan hal ini sebuah pemakluman atau dibenarkan. Di dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris, inversion (inverse/pembalikan) mengalami gejala di mana kata kerja utama ataupun kata kerja bantu berada sebelum subjek atau berpola P + S (Umumnya English sentence berpola: S + P). Ada beberapa tipe umum inversion:

“Subject – Main Verb” inversion

Dalam hal ini, penggunaan verb (as a predicate of sentence) harus mendahului subject of sentence. Sehingga kalimat akan berpola: 

Perhatikan contoh berikut ini!

  • In the hidden cave, near the river, LIVED a wicked giant with his slaves

    (Di goa yang tersembunyi dekat sungai ini, hiduplah raksasa kejam dengan para budak/pengikutnya)

  • In my mind, APPEARS the brilliant idea to solve this problem

    (Di dalam benakku, munculah ide cemerlang untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini)

  • Then CRY that hungry baby because his mother doesn’t breastfeed him..

    (Kemudian, menangislah si bayi lapar tersebut karena ibunya tidak menyusuinya)

  •  To this class, COMES the lazy students without wearing tidy uniforms

    (Ke kelas ini, datanglah siswa-siswa yang malas tanpa mengenakan sergam yang rapi)

  • Because of seeing a tiptoeing stranger toward its owners house, BARK the pitbull to him.

    (Karena melihat orang asing yang mengendap-endap ke arah rumah majikannya, menggonggonglah si anjing pitbull tersebut ke arahnya)

  • Down CAME the rain in this dry area

    (Turunlah hujan di daerah kering ini)

“Subject-Auxiliary Verb” inversion

Dalam hal ini, penggunaan kata kerja bantu atau auxiliary verb + verb (as a predicate of sentence) harus mendahului subject of sentence. Sehingga kalimat akan berpola: 

Auxiliary Verb + Subject + Main Verb

  • Since Slendrina came to this school, HAS that girl ENCHANTED the majority of boy students with her impressing smile.

    (Sejak Slendrina datang ke sekolah itu, telahlah si gadis memikat kebanyakan siswa laki-laki dengan senyumnya yang mempesona)

  • Never again DID that beggar STEAL in that supermarket because the security staffs have known him through CCTV.

    (Tidak pernah lagi si pengemis tersebut mencuri di supermarket itu karena pihak keamanan telah mengetahuinya lewat kamera CCTV)

  • Without any doubt, WILL the Indian dancers PERFORM first in the international dance competition.

    (Tanpa ragu lagi, akan segera para penari dari India tersebut tampil pertama di kompetisi menari internasional)

  • So quickly, WAS John’s body BITTEN by Taipan island, the most venomous snake in the world so that he was horribly dead.

    (Dengan cepatnya, digigitnya tubuh John oleh ular taipan, ular paling berbisa di dunia sehingga ia meninggal dengan mengenaskan.)

  • Silently, ARE Jeina and my uncle MOVING the working desks and the computers to the second floor so they do not wake up the sleeping baby.

    (Tanpa berisik, sedang Jeina dan pamanku memindahkan meja-meja erja dan komputer-komputer ke lantai 2 sehingga mereka tidak membangunkan bayi yang sedang tidur)

Kalimat Pengandaian (Conditional Sentences)

Kalimat pengandaian (conditional sentence) biasanya menggunakan konjungsi if (jika). Dalam kasus inversi ini, penggunaan if dihilangkan dan diganti dengan rumus berikut ini: 

Artkel Terkait  Pembahasan Kimia UN: Senyawa Karbon
Pola Normal   : If Subject + Predicate, Subject + Predicate
Inversion         : Auxiliary + Subject + Verb, Subject + Predicate


  1. If Demian PLAYS trick so amazingly, the audience will be entertained. (Normal)

    – DOES Demian PLAY trick so amazingly, the audience will be entertained (inversion)

      (Jika Demian memainkan trik dengan hebat, penonton akan terhibur)

  1. – If Alex HADN’T ATTENDED the meeting, the boss would have fired him (Normal)

    – HADN’T Alex ATTENDED the meeting, the boss would have fired him (Inversion)

    (Jika Alex tidak menghadiri rapat, sang bos akan sudah memecatnya)

  1. – If I WERE elected as a president, I would free Palestine from Israel (Normal)

    – WERE I elected as a president, I would free Palestine from Israel (Inversion)

    (Jika saya terpilih sebagai presiden, saya akan membebaskan Palestina dari Israel)

Kalimat Perbandingan (Comparisons: As dan Than)

Kalimat perbandingan (compararison degree) bisa menerapkan kaidah inversi dalam kalimatnya. As artinya “sebagaimana” dan than artinya “daripada”. 


  1. – Adam ate more bars of chocolate as a snack than Rihana DID (Normal)

    – Adam ate more bars of chocolate as snack than DID Rihana (Inversion)

    (Adam memakan sekerat cokelat lebih banyak daripaa apa yang di makan Rihana)

  1. – Farel is very inspiring for teenagers, as HIS BROTHERS ARE (Normal)

    – Farel is very inspiring for teenagers, as ARE HIS BROTHERS (Inversion)

    (Farel sangat menginspirasi kaula muda, sebagaimana saudara-saudaranya)

  1. – Damar can do the English task very fast than THEY CAN (Normal)

    – Damar can do the English task very fast than CAN THEY (Inversion)

    (Damar bisa mengerjakan tugas bahasa Inggris dengan sangat cepat daripada apa yang mereka lakukan)

  1. – Ade Londok has been sad to see this, as MY FATHER HAS (Normal)

    – Ade Londok has been sad to see this, as HAS MY FATHER (Inversion)

      (Ade Londok sudah merasa sedih melihat ini, sebagaimana ayahku juga)

Kata-Kata Bermakna Negative (Negative Expressions)

Kata-kata negasi juga (not, seldom, never) bisa diinversikan. Perhatikan contoh-contoh berikut ini!

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  1. Rully HAS never LOVED her ex-wife. (Normal)

    (Rully tidak pernah mencintai mantan istrinya)

    Never HAS Rully LOVED his ex-wife. (Inversion)

    (Tidak pernah Rully mencintai mantan istrinya) 

  2. Aluna DID not TELL a lie. (Normal)

    (Aluna tidak berbohong)

    Not a lie DID Aluna TELL. (Inversion)

    (Tidak bebohong Aluna)

  3. They seldom SLEEP during the day. (Normal)

    (Mereka jarang tidur seharian ini)

    Seldom DO They SLEEP during the day. (Inversion)

    (Jarang tidur mereka seharian ini)

    Kata negative lainnya: never, seldom, rarely, little, few, not a, not only, only later, only then, only if, not once, hardly ever, scarcely ever, barely ever, much, in no other way, under/in no circumstances, nor, neither. Not far dan not long tidak digunakan dalam inversion.

So + adjective… that; Such + be… that

Penggunaan result clause (klausa yang menunjukan kausalitas atau sebab akibat) juga bisa menerapkan pola inversi. Perhatikan contoh di bawah ini!

  1. Nadia’s achievement is SO inspiring THAT her friends always admire her. (Normal)

    (Prestasi Nadia begitu menginspirasi sehingga teman-temannya selalu memujinya)

    SO inspiring is Nadia’s achievement THAT her friends admire her (Inversion)

    (Begitu menginspirasinya prestasi Nadia sehingga teman-temannya selalu memujinya)

  2. The weather condition became SO dangerous THAT all city roads were closed. (Normal)

    (Cuaca begitu berbahaya sehingga semua jalanan di kota ditutup)

    SO dangerous did the weather conditions become THAT all mountain roads were closed. (Inversion)

    (Begitu berbahayanya kondisi cuaca sehingga semua jalanan di kota ditutup)

  3.  “Among us” is SUCH a popular game today THAT millions people have downloaded it. (Normal)

    (“Among us” adalah permainan yang begitu populer sehingga jutaan orang telah mengunduhnya)

    SUCH a popular game is “Among us” THAT millions people have downloaded it. (Inversion)

    (Sungguh permainan yang sebegitu populernya “Among us” sehingga jutaan orang telah mengunduhnya)

Direct speech

Dalam ujaran langsung, penggunaan reporting sentence bisa menerapkan pola inversi. Perhatikan pola berikut ini:

  1. “Where can I buy this kind of educative game?” Henry asked (Normal)

    “Di mana saya bisa membeli sejenis mainan edukatif ini?” Henry bertanya.

    “Where can I buy this kind of educative game?” Asked Henry. (Inversion)

    “Di mana saya bisa membeli sejenis mainan edukatif ini?” Tanya Henry.

  2. “Don’t leave me alone because I can’t live without you, ” John whispered to Ellen. (Normal)

    “Jangan meninggalkanku sendirian karena saya tidak bisa hidup tanpa kamu,” John berbisik ke Ellen.

    “Don’t leave me alone because I can’t live without you,” Whispered John to Ellen. (Inversion)

    “Jangan meninggalkanku sendirian karena saya tidak bisa hidup tanpa kamu,” Bisik John ke Ellen

  3. Ibnu said, “The distance between The Sun and our Earth is as similar as that of our Earth to Jupiter. (Normal)

    (Berkatalah Ibnu, “Jarak dari Planet Bumi kita ke Matahari sama dengan jarak dari Planet Bumi kita ke Planet Jupiter.”)

    Said Ibnu, “The distance from our Earth to The Sun is as similar as that of our Earth to Jupiter.” (Inversion)

    (Berkatalah Ibnu, “Jarak dari Planet Bumi kita ke Matahari sama dengan jarak dari Planet Bumi kita ke Planet Jupiter.”

Ubahlah kalimat di bawah ini dari kalimat normal menjadi kalimat inversi!

  1. If Jesica submitted the proposal earlier, the manager would consider hers for next project.
  2. “You had better clean the room now before our boss’ coming,” Frans said.
  3. The car is so expensive that I can’t affor it easily.
  4. The children have never played “hide and seek” game in this park.
  5. Because the tiger’s sudden approaching, the hunter run away .
Artkel Terkait  Pembahasan Biologi UN 2017 No. 31

Jawaban (kalimat inversi):

  1. DID Jesica SUBMIT the proposal earlier, the manager would consider hers for next project.
  2. “You had better clean the room now before our boss’ coming,” SAID Frans.
  3. SO expensive is the car THAT I can’t affor it easily.
  4. Never HAVE the children PLAYED “hide and seek” game in this park.
  5. Because the tiger’s sudden approaching, RUN AWAY the hunter..


Ubahlah kalimat di bawah ini dari kalimat inversi menjadi kalimat normal!

  1. Seldom does my sister visit the city’s library.
  2. So great is the performance of EXXO that all fans dance happily.
  3. Forbade me Ali, “Don’t touch my new car!”
  4. The soldiers must dive so deeply to the sea than must the swimming athletes.
  5. So perfectly, was the house renovated by the villagers nd some workers.

Jawaban (Kalimat normal)

  1. My sister SELDOM VISITS the city’s library.
  2. The performance of EXXO is SO great THAT all fans dance happily.
  3. Ali forbade me, “Don’t touch my new car!”
  4. The soldiers must dive so deeply to the sea than the swimming athletes MUST.
  5. So perfectly, the house WAS renovated by the villagers nd some workers.


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