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Complex sentence atau kalimat majemuk bertingkat merupakan jenis lain dari non-simple sentence. Kalimat majemuk bertingkat dihubungkan dengan subordinating conjunction atau konjungsi subordinatif. Tak seperti coordinating conjunction yang hanya bisa diletakan di tengah, subordinating conjunction bisa diletatakan di dua tempat. Perhatikan skema berikut:
Subordinating conjunction
Jadi kesimpulannya, complex sentence terdiri dari dua klausa: bound clause (anak klausa) dan main/independent clause (klausa utama).
Types of complex sentences
Dalam Bahasa Inggris, complex sentence terdiri dari tiga jenis, apa saja kah itu?
- Adverbial clause (klausa adverbia)
- Noun clause (klausa kata benda)
- Adjective clause (klausa kata sifat)
Tipe complex sentence yang pertama yang akan kita bahas yaitu klausa adverbia atau adverbial clause. Adverbial clause berfungsi untuk memperluas unsur keterangan (adverb modifying) dalam kalimat sederhana (simple sentence). Pahami ilustrasi berikut ini!
Adverbial clause juga terbentuk setelah adanya proses perluasan dari unsur keterangan dalam kalimat tunggal (simple sentence).
Di bawah ini ada tabel jenis-jenis adverbial clause beserta jenis konjungsi subordiatifnya (subordinating conjunction).
Types of adverbial clause |
Subordinating conjunctions |
Meaning |
Place | Where
Wherever Everywhere Anywhere |
Di mana
Di mana pun Di mana-mana Di mana pun |
Time | When / while
After Before For Since As soon as Until / up to As |
Setelah Sebelum Selama Sejak Segera setelah Hingga Selama/sambil |
Purpose | So that
In order that In order to |
Supaya Untuk / supaya |
Conditional | If / only if
Providing that Unless |
Jika / hanya saja jika
Asalkan Kecuali |
Manner | As adverb as
As As if As though |
Seolah-olah Seakan-akan Seakan-akan |
Concession | In spite of/despite + Phrase |
Walaupun Kendatipun |
Result | So + adjective + that
So + adverb + that Such + a/an noun phrase + that ….. So + much / many / little / few noun phrase + that …. |
Begitu ……… sehingga …….
Sungguh…… akibatnya …… |
Reason | Because/since + clause
Because of/due to + Phrase |
Sebab |
Comparison of Equal | As + Adjective + As
As + Adverb + As |
Sama …… seperti |
Untuk lebih jelasnya, kita pahami contoh-contoh penggunaan adverbial clause di bawah ini!
Clause of place (Klausa tempat)
- The rescue team successfully accessed the area where horrible avalanche has burried four houses
(Tim penyelamat berhasil menjangkau area di mana longsoran menggerikan telah mengubur empat rumah)
- Anywhere the industrialists set their company, they should keep the environment clean
(Di manapun para pelaku industri mendirikan perusahaannya, mereka harus menjaga kebersihan lingkungan)
Clause of time (Klausa waktu)
- After the endemic desease had been easily transmissible from animal to human, The Health Department advised infected people to be quarantined
(Setelah penyakit berbahaya itu mudah menular dari hewan ke manusia, Departeman Kesehatan menyarankan orang-orang yang terinfeksi buat di karantina)
- Some private banks were not surprised when the government announced the liquidation of 16 banks
(Beberapa bank swasta tidak kaget ketika pemerintah mengumumkan likuidasi 16 bank)
Clause of purpose (Klausa tujuan)
- The police and anti-terror team are clearing the area of police headquarter so that the it is safe from bomb threatening
(Polisi dan team anti teroris sedang membersihkan area markat besar polisi sehingga tempattersebut aman dari ancaman bom)
- Five veterinary faculties from five universities are intensively being promoted in order that the prospective students have interest to study there
(Lima fakultas kedokteran hewan dari lima perguruan tinggi sedang gencar-gencarnya dipromosikan supaya calon mahasiswa tertarik untuk kuliah di sana)
Clause of conditional (Klausa pengandaian)
- If a glacier on the peak melts significanty, the lower area than it will be swept by the horrible flood.
(Jika sungai es di puncak gunung meleleh, daerah yang lebih rendah akan tersapu oleh banjir parah)
- Brain cancer might be categorized as the deadliest desease if the doctors still haven’t found the medical treatment how to cure it
(Kanker otak mungkin tergolong penyakit yang mematikan jika para dokter masih belum menemukan perawatan medis untuk menyembuhkannya)
Clause of manner (Klausa cara)
- Aluna is learning the digestive process through the video as if she were an inernist who was checking patient’s internal body
(Aluna sedang mempelajari proses pencernaan lewat video seolah-olah dia itu dokter penyakit dalamyang sedang mengecek bagian dalam tubuh manusia)
- As though my uncle were a passanger of a collided airplane, he screamed panicly
(Seakan-akan paman itu adalah penumpang pesawat yang bertabrakan, ia berteriak dengan panik)
Clause of concession (Klausa konsesi)
- Even though human body is made up countless billion of cells, our God never feels difficult to create it
(Meskipun tubuh manusia terbuat dari milyaran sel yang tak terhitung, Tuhan kita tak pernah merasa kesulitan untuk menciptakannya)
- The local government is intensively reconstructing Lombok in spite of its big effect of earthquake
(Pemerintah daerah sedang gancar-gencarnya membangun ulang Lombok meskipun efek gempanya parah)
Clause of result (Klausa hasil)
- The Japanese made-robot is so sophisticated that it can fight and defeat other robots easily
(Robot buatan Jepang ini memang canggih sehingga dia bisa berkelahi dan mengalahkan robot-robot lainnya)
- “Black Pink” is such a popular girlband from Korea that its songs are well accepted by all Asian teens
(Black Pink adalah girlband Korea yang begitu terkenal sehingga lagu-lagunya diterima dengan baik oleh remaja-remaja Asia)
- Such a popular girlband
- Such popular girlband
Reason Clause (Klausa alasan)
- Due to the shortage of food and water, a half of villagers in this driest are finally died
(Karena kekurangan makanan dan air, setengah dari penduduk desa terkerin ini akhirnya meninggal)
- The Red Bird of Paradise is categorized as an endemic bird because it can be found only in Papua
(Burung Cendrawasih Merah termasuk burung endemik karena burung tersebut hanya bisa ditemukan di Papua)
Clause of equal comparison (Perbandingan berimbang)
- The tsunami in the ocean can move horizontally as fast as the military jet can (speed)
(Tsunami di lautan bisa bergerak horisontal secepat jet militer)
- The arabian trader has packed the dates as many as this shop has (quantity)
(Pedagang arab tersebut sudah mengemas kurma-kurma sebanyak toko ini sudah melakukannya)
Fill the blank spaces with correct subordinative conjunction .! (See the lists above!)
- The mother looked so schocked as though she had just seen the most trouble thing
- ______the rest time was on, Johan kept working
- The junior high school students will have prayed together by the time the first day of National Examination_______Eveything will be fine during the UN.
- Bale never tries to study very hard_______ his father wants him to be the succesful person.
- _______you find a problem, I hope you are smart and mature to face it
- Damanik had passed away______his family came to the ICU room
- Denis always sings beautifully______he were Judika
- ______our team had played unfairly, we were finally disqualified from the competition
- The thieves broke the front door______the house owner was sleeping on the second floor.
- Femy was cooking all kinds of sundanese food ________ her husband was reading the newspaper.
- As though
Pembahasan: The mother looked so schocked as though she had just seen the most trouble thing. (Ibu tampak begitu kaget seakan-akan (as though) ia baru saja melihat hal yang paling buruk.)
- Although/even though
Pembahasan: Although the rest time was on, Johan kept working. (Meskipun waktu istirahan sudah tiba, John tetap bekerja.)
- So that
Pembahasan: The junior high school students will have prayed together by the time the first day of National Examination so that Eveything will be fine during the UN. (Siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama akan sudah berdoa bersama menjelang hari pertama Ujian Nasional supaya (so that) segala sesuatunya akan baik-baik saja Selama ujian Nasional.)
- Although
Pembahasan: Bale never tries to study very hard although his father wants him to be the succesful person. (Bale tidak pernah mencoba untuk belajar sungguh-sungguh meskipun ayahnya menginginkannya menjadi orang sukses.)
- When
Pembahasan: When you find a problem, I hope you are smart and mature to face it. (Ketika kamu menemi masalah, saya harap kamu cerdas dan dewasa untuk menghadapinya)
- After
Pembahasan: Mr. Damanik had passed away after his family came to the ICU room. (Pak Damanik telah meninggal setelah keluarganya datang ke ruangan ICU)
- As if/ as though
Pembahasan: Denis always sings melodiously as if/as though he were Judika. (Denis selalu bernyanyi dengan merdu seakan-akan dia itu Judika)
- Because/since/as
Pembahasan: Because our team had played unfairly, we were finally disqualified from the competition. (Karena tim kita bermain tidak adil, kita akhirnya didiskualifikasi dari kompetisi)
- When
Pembahasan: The thieves broke the front door when the house owner was sleeping on the second floor. (Para pencuri mendobrak pintu depan ketika si pemilik rumah sedang tidur di lantai dua)
- While
Pembahasan: Femy was cooking all kinds of sundanese food while her husband was reading the Newspaper. (Femy sedang memasak berbagai jenis masakan sunda sementara itu suaminya sedang membaca koran)
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