Rangkuman, Contoh Soal Present Future Perfect Jawaban & Pembahasannya

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Present future perfect adalah tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan atau aktivitas yang dimulai dan berakhir sebelum kegiatan lain berlangsung di masa yang akan datang. Untuk lebih sederhana, kita bisa menyebut tense ini dengan bentuk akan sudah. Sama seperti jenis tense yang lain, present future perfect dibagi menjadi dua jenis: bentuk verbal (verbal form) dan bentuk nonverbal (nonverbal form). Perhatikan penjelasan di awah ini!

VERBAL FROM (Menggunakan predikat kata kerja)

Bentuk predikat berkata kerja dari present future perfect terdiri dari tiga: bentuk positif (positive/declarative), bentuk negatif (negative/declarative), dan bentuk tanya (interrogtive).


Bentuk positif dari present  future perfect menggunakan kata kerja bantu present modal (will) + (perfect auxiliary), yaitu Have + Verb 3. 


Will + Have Verb3



Bentuk negatif dari present future perfect menggunakan NOT atau NEVER setelah will baru ditambahkan Have + Verb 3. 


Will Not + Have Verb3


 Time clues:

Penanda tense yang lazim digunakan dalam present future perfect tense adalah: by (of) …. atau by the end (of) … atau by the time (of) …. [menjelang]. Contoh:

  • By the time of this month = menjelang bulan ini
  • By you come to Indonesia = menjelang kamu datang ke Indonesia
  • By the time the rain stops = menjelang huja berhenti
  • By the end of this week = menjelang akhir minggu ini
  • By the time your car is fixed in the garage = menjelang mobilmu diperbaiki di bengkel
  • By the time of this year = menjelang akhir tahun ini.



  1. By the end of this year, the Prime Minister of Australia will have legalized the use of Cannabis sativa for medical treatment of brain cancer.
    (Menjelang akhir tahun ini, Perdana Menteri Australia akan sudah melegalkan penggunaan daun ganja untuk perawatan medis kanker otak)
  1. All students of this vocational school’ll have gathered in this field by the time they travell to Borobudur Temple.
    (Semua siswa sekolah kejuruan ini akan sudah berkumpul di lapangan ini menjelang mereka berangkat ke Candi Borobudur)
  1. Several therapists will have cured the patients with heart disorder by the time the medicine to heal it is clinically tested.
    (Sejumah ahli terapi akan sudah menyembuhkan para pasien dengan kelainan jantung ini menjelang obat untuk menyembuhkan kelainan tersebut diuji klinis)
  1. By the time the Sun rises, Jojo’s assistant will have opened the shop early in the morning to welcome customers.
    (Menjelang matahari terbit, pembantunya Jojo akan sudah membuka toko sepagi mungkin untuk menyambut para pelanggan)


  1. The automotive designer won’t have designed the prototype of new motorsport by the time he resigns from his company.
    (Desiner otomotf tersebut belum akan mendesain prototipe motorsport  terbaru menjelang ia mengundurkan diri dari perusahaannya)
  1. The patient’s family will have not demanded the doctor’s malpracticing to some patients by the doctor take an apology.
    (Keluarga pasien belum akan menuntut malpraktik dokter ke sejumlah pasien menjelang dokter tersebut meminta maaf)
  1. By the time of the general’s commanding them, the soldiers will not have withdrawn from the war zone.
    (Mejelang sang jenderal memerintah mereka, para tentara belum akan menarik diri dari zona perang.)
  1. The computer mechanic won’t have checked and repaired the troubles in that laptop by he gets down payment from the laptop owner.
    (Mekanik komputer belum akan mengecek dan memperbaiki permasalahan-permasalahan di laptop tersebut menjelang ia mendapatkan uang muka dari sang pemilik laptop)


Sama seperti jenis tense yang lain, jenis pertanyaan dalam present future perfect juga dibagi dua: auxiliary atau yes/no-question dan informative/W/H-question. Perhatikan pola di bawah ini!
Auxiliary or Yes/No-Question (Apakah….akan sudah….)


 Subject Have Verb3


Artkel Terkait  44 Sinonim Segelintir dalam Bahasa Indonesia

W/H or Informative Question


Will  Subject Have Verb3



  • Yes/No-Question = Pertanyaan yang diawali dengan WILL dan menghendaki jawaban yes or no
  • W/HQuestion =Pertanyaan informatif yang di awali dengan what/when/where /who/why/how

Auxiliary atau yes/no-question

  1. Will Arga have taught Mathematics to those lazy puppils by the time of his retirement from his school?
    (Apakah Pak Arga akan sudah mengajarkan Matematika ke siswa-siswa malas tersebut menjelang masa pensiunnya dari sekolahnya.)
  1. Will the head office have controlled all workers’ activities in this room by the time the lunch comes?
    (Apakah kepala kantor tersebut akan sudah mengontrol semua activitas para pegawai di ruangan ini menjelang waktu makan siang datang?)
  1. Will Sebastian have taken his day off by the time he is engaged to Tina, his old friend?
    (Apakah Sebastian akan sudah mengambil hari cuti menjelang ia bertunangan ke Tina, teman lamanya?)
  1. Will the writer of the passage have editted her/his misleading statement in her/his article about feminism issue?
    (Apakah si penulis teks tersbut akan sudah mengedit pernyataannya yang menyesatkan di artikelnya mengenai isu feminisme?)

 Yes/No atau informative question

  1. What kind of song will that street musician have sung in that musical studio by the time of Ardina’s leaving that place?
    (Jenis lagu apa yang akan si musisi jalanan tersebut sudah nyanyikan di studio musik menjelang Ardina meninggalkan tempat tersebut?)
  1. How many people will you have proposed to be the participants of this charity event held by the time of this week?
    (Berapa banyak orang yang akan kamu sudah usulkan menjadi peserta kegiatan amal yang diselenggarakan menjelang akhir minggu ini?)
  1. Why will Cassandra and Budi have told their friends to submit the English tasks on time by the time of next holiday?
    (Mengapa Cassandra dan Budi akan sudah memberitahu teman-temannya untuk menyerahkan tugas tepat waktu menjelang liburan nanti?)
  1. Where will those baby siters have had the last training by the time they go to South Korea?
    (Di mana pera pengasuh bayi tersebut akan sudah mendapatkan pelatihan terakhirnya menjelang mereka pergi ke Korea Selatan?)

NON-VERBAL FORM (menggunakan predikat bukan kata kerja)

Bentuk non-verbal selalu berpredikat pelengkap atau complement. Pelengkap tersebut terdiri dari frasa kata sifat (adjective phrase), frasa kata benda (noun phrase), dan keterangan tempat (adverb of place). Perhatikan pola di bawah ini!
Present Future Perfect  

Contoh penggunaan non-verbal:

  1. This honest child will have been a most fortune person by the time he graduates from his school.(Noun phrase)
    (Anak jujur tersebut akan sudah menjadi orang yang paling beruntung menjelang ia lulus dari sekolahnya.)
  1. That nurse will have been so happy by the time her marriage to a young doctor in her hospital.(Adjective phrase)
    (Perawat tersebut akan sudah merasa bahagia menjelang pernikahannya ke seorang dokter muda di rumah sakit tersebut)
  1. Those fire firghters won’t have been in that burnt building by the time the rain comes hard. (Adverb of place)
    (Para pemadam kebakaran tersebut belum akan berada di bangunan terbakar tersebut menjelang hujan turun deras.)

Soal No.1
By the end of the national examination, Farah and her sister _________ to an experienced teacher in their study couseling.

  1. Will consult
  2. Consulted
  3. Had consulted
  4. Will have consulted
  5. Have been consulting

Ingat, time clue (penanda waktu)  yang lazim digunakan dalam present future perfect adalah: by (of) …. atau by the end (of) … atau by the time (of) …. [menjelang]. Pertanyaan tersebut menggunakan penanda by the end of, maka kita gunakan bentuk S + Will + Have + Verb 3. By the end of the national examination, Farah and her sister will have consulted to an experienced teacher in their study couseling.
Jawaban D
Soal No.2
This clever merchant ___________ his last goods by the time he leaves to another trading place.

Artkel Terkait  Pembahasan Fisika UN 2019 No. 26

  1. Will have sold out
  2. Would have been selling out
  3. Will sell out
  4. Will have been sold out
  5. Has been sold out

Ingat, time clue (penanda waktu)  yang lazim digunakan dalam present future perfect adalah: by (of) …. atau by the end (of) … atau by the time (of) …. [menjelang]. Pertanyaan tersebut menggunakan penanda by the time, maka kita gunakan bentuk S + Will + Have + Verb 3. This clever merchant will have sold out his last goods by the time he leaves to another trading place.
Jawaban A

Soal No.3
Which sentence is grammatically correct?

  1. How Daniar will have eaten all foods by the time of next fasting month?
  2. By the end of this year, Agung and Chantika will has adopted a very cute baby.
  3. Diana will haven’t accompanied the tourists by the end of this holiday.
  4. Will my grandmother has fed her sheep by the time of my coming?
  5. They will have got any problems by the time of their journey.

Pola yang benar secara tata bahasa Inggris adalah yang opsi E yang menunjukan pola present future perfect bentuk “S + Will + Have + Verb 3” . Perbaikan opsi jawaban yang lain adalah sebagai berikut:

  • Opsi A: How will Daniar have eaten all foods by the time of next fasting month?
  • Opsi B: By the end of this year, Agung and Chantika will have adopted a very cute baby.
  • Opsi C: Diana will not have accompanied the tourists by the end of this holiday.
  • Opsi D: Will my grandmother have fed her sheep by the time of my coming?

Jawaban E

Soal No.4
______ my wife _______ the children to play gadget by the time their 5-day final examination?

  1. How, will forbide
  2. Would, have forbidden
  3. When will, forbide
  4. Will, have forbidden
  5. Will have, forbide

Ingat, time clue (penanda waktu)  yang lazim digunakan dalam present future perfect adalah: by (of) …. atau by the end (of) … atau by the time (of) …. [menjelang]. Pertanyaan tersebut menggunakan penanda by the time, maka kita gunakan bentuk tanya yang berkategori auxiliary question “Will + Subject + Have + Verb 3” yang ditunjukan oleh opsi D. Will my wife have forbiddem  the children to play gadget by the time their 5-day final examination?
Jawaban D

Soal No.5
By the time of this Zoological garden is closed because of Covid-19’s sperad, some visitors from abroad __________ to see all kind of animals: carnivors, herbivors, or omnivors.

  1. Would have satisfied
  2. Will have been satisfied
  3. Will be satisfied
  4. Are satisfied
  5. Have been satisfied

Ingat, time clue (penanda waktu)  yang lazim digunakan dalam present future perfect adalah: by (of) …. atau by the end (of) … atau by the time (of) …. [menjelang]. Pertanyaan tersebut menggunakan penanda by the time of, maka kita gunakan bentuk nonverbal-nya (tidak berpredikat verba) yang berkategori auxiliary question “Subject + Will + Have + Been + Complement” yang ditunjukan oleh opsi B. By the time of this Zoological garden is closed because of Covid-19’s sperad, some visitors from abroad will have been satisfied to see all kind of animals: carnivors, herbivors, or omnivors.
Jawaban B

Soal No.6
Do you think … by the time I return to this country next week?

  1. They will get married
  2. Will they have got married
  3. Will they get married
  4. They will have got married
  5. Will they get married
Artkel Terkait  Pembahasan Matematika SMP UN 2018 No. 31

Do you think … by the time I return to this country next week?
(Apakah menurut kamu … pada saat saya kembali ke negara ini minggu depan?)
Petunjuk keterangan waktu yaitu by the time, bentuk dari Future Perfect Tense atau Future Perfect Continuous Tense. Maka jawaban untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah they will have got married.
Jawaban D

Soal No.7
‘Can I see you tomorrow about the seminar?
‘All right, come at 10 o’clock, and I … teaching by then.’

  1. Will have finished
  2. Have finished
  3. Am finishing
  4. Will be finishing
  5. Will have been finishing

‘Can I see you tomorrow about the seminar?
(Bisakah saya melihat Anda besok di seminar?)
All right, come at 10 o’clock, and I … teaching by then.’
(Baiklah, datanglah jam 10, dan saya … mengajar saat itu)
Petunjuk keterangan waktu dari soal di atas adalah by then yaitu bentuk dari Future Perfect Tense atau Future Perfect Continuous Tense (S + will/shall + have + V3 atau S + will/shall + have + been + Ving). Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah will have been finishing.
Jawaban E

Soal No.8
‘I’m really worried about his health as his next semester starts two weeks from now.’
‘Let’s just hope that by that time he …

  1. Has recovered
  2. Is going to recover
  3. Will be recovering
  4. Is recovering
  5. Will have recovered

I’m really worried about his health as his next semester starts two weeks from now.’
(Saya sangat khawatir dengan kesehatannya karena semester berikutnya dimulai dua minggu dari sekarang)
‘Let’s just hope that by that time he … ‘
(Mari kita berharap pada saat itu dia … )
Katerangan waktu pada kalimat di atas yaitu by that time, yang menunjukkan bentuk Future Perfect Tense dengan rumus S + will/ shall + have + V3 atau Future Perfect Continuous Tense dengan rumus S + Will/ shall + have been + Ving.
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah will have recovered.
Jawaban E

Soal No.9
The boys are supposed to have finished their homework when we come home.
This means: we expect that … by the time we come home.

  1. The boys are going to finish their homework
  2. The boys will be finishing their homework
  3. The boys will have finished their homework
  4. The boys were finishing their homework
  5. The boys finished their homework

The boys are supposed to have finished their homework when we come home.
(Anak laki-laki seharusnya sudah menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumahnya ketika kita pulang)
This means: we expect that … by the time we come home.
(Ini berarti: kami berharap bahwa … pada saat kami pulang)
By the time adalah keterangan waktu yang menunjukkan Future Perfect Tense atau Future Perfect Continuous Tense. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah the boys will have finished their homework.
Jawaban C

Soal No.10
I can lend you the book next week because by that time I … reading it.

  1. Will be finishing
  2. Have finished
  3. Am finishing
  4. Will have finished
  5. Would finish

I can lend you the book next week because by that time I … reading it.
(Saya dapat meminjamkan kamu buku minggu depan karena pada saat itu saya … membacanya)
By the time adalah keterangan waktu yang menunjukkan Future Perfect Tense atau Future Perfect Continuous Tense. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah will have finished their.
Jawaban D

Semoga Bermanfaat

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