Pembahasan Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman Umum No. 53

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Krisis ekonomi, Pembahasan Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman Umum No. 53 - 60 TPS UTBK SBMPTN 2019

Pembahasan soal Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman Umum Tes Potensi Skolastik (TPS) pada Ujian Tulis Berbasis Komputer (UTBK) Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SBMPTN) tahun 2019 nomor 53 sampai dengan nomor 60 tentang pengetahuan dan pemahaman bacaan Bahasa Inggris.

Bacaan 9

Question 53 – 56 are based on the following passage.

The economic world has been buzzing for the last two years now as investors, homeowners and trend analysts alike attempt to identify the causes and ultimate effects, of the a sub-prime lending mortgage crisis. Papers have been filled with headlines detailing the mass evictions, leading in particularly tragic cases to entire communities being reduced to little more than shanty towns. The onus today seems to be to find which people in which industry are to blame, but, in the end, untangling that knotted mess may prove impossible, and even were we to reveal an identifiable cause, would that help solve the current problems?

What is not drawing as much attention, but perhaps should be, is the effect that all of this has had not just on the value of the dollar internationally but domestically as well. The cost to rent an apartment has risen dramatically in most major metropolitan areas, as families that once owned homes are forced back into the rental market. The cost of student loans has also peaked sharply, with federal interest rates up to three times as high as the rates from a mere six years ago. Unfortunately for the many people affected by this, it seems unlikely that the rising cost of a college education will come to the attention of those at the highest levels until the country sees a decrease in the number of students receiving college degrees, at which point the solution may be out of our hands.

No. 53

The passage most likely refers to student loans in order to ….
A. decry the unreasonable interest rates that are currently being charged by some unscrupulous lenders
B. argue that the economic problems evident in some sectors are not really as bad as they may appear superficially
C. underscore an earlier point regarding the widespread nature of some of the economic problems related to the housing crisis
D. support the claim that the country may eventually suffer from a lack of well educated citizens
E. explain why the housing costs have risen so dramatically in certain major metropolitan areas in the United States


Bacaan tersebut kemungkinan mengacu pada pinjaman mahasiswa supaya ….

Perhatikan sebagian kalimat terakhir paragraf kedua!

it seems unlikely that the rising cost of a college education will come to the attention of those at the highest levels until the country sees a decrease in the number of students receiving college degrees … (… tampaknya tidak mungkin kenaikan biaya pendidikan perguruan tinggi akan menjadi perhatian orang-orang di tingkat tertinggi sampai negara melihat penurunan jumlah siswa yang menerima gelar sarjana …).

Karena kenaikan biaya pendidikan (termasuk pinjaman mahasiswa) kecil kemungkinan menjadi perhatian orang-orang di tingkat tertinggi, maka kita mendukung pernyataan (klaim) bahwa negara mungkin akan menderita karena kekurangan sarjana.

Support the claim that the country may eventually suffer from a lack of well educated citizens (mendukung klaim bahwa negara itu pada akhirnya mungkin menderita karena kurangnya warga negara yang berpendidikan baik).

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah opsi (D).

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No. 54

The author’s attitude towards the economic problems discussed in the passage could most accurately be described as ….
A. frenzied ire
B. calculated scorn
C. reasoned frustration
D. modulated optimism
E. scholarly disdain


Sikap penulis terhadap masalah ekonomi yang dibahas dalam bacaan di atas yang paling tepat dapat digambarkan sebagai ….

Perhatikan cuplikan kalimat terakhir paragraf kedua!

it seems unlikely that the rising cost of a college education will come to the attention of those at the highest levels … (… tampaknya tidak mungkin bahwa kenaikan biaya pendidikan perguruan tinggi akan menjadi perhatian orang-orang di tingkat tertinggi …).

Kalimat tersebut adalah kalimat frustasi. Tetapi penulis mempunyai alasan yang cukup kuat.

Reasoned frustration (frustasi yang beralasan)

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah opsi (C).

No. 55

According to the author of the passage, the entity most likely to blame for the economic situation is ….
A. the unscrupulous lending industry that failed to recognize the potential pitfalls in the sub-prime lending scheme
B. ultimately of less import than is recognizing the far-ranging side effects and working to find a solution
C. also solely responsible for the present weakness of the dollar in overseas markets
D. only going to recognize the true effects of the mistakes that have been made once the results are irreversible
E. the public at large because it was the public that supported the sub-prime loans without learning what they entailed


Menurut penulis bacaan ini, pihak yang paling mungkin disalahkan atas situasi ekonomi adalah ….

Perhatikan cuplikan kalimat terakhir paragraf pertama!

and even were we to reveal an identifiable cause, would that help solve the current problems? (… dan bahkan jika kita mengungkapkan penyebab yang dapat diidentifikasi, apakah itu membantu menyelesaikan masalah saat ini?)

Artinya, kita tidak perlu mencari pihak mana yang paling bersalah atau bertanggung jawab dalam situasi ekonomi tersebut. Yang penting adalah mencari solusi.

Ultimately of less import than is recognizing the far-ranging side effects and working to find a solution (Pada akhirnya tidak lebih penting daripada menyadari efek samping yang luas dan bekerja untuk menemukan solusi).

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah opsi (B).

No. 56

The word peaked in the second paragraph most nearly means ….
A. reached an apex only to descend again
B. set a precedent for future valuations
C. quickly ascended in price
D. artificially inflated
E. caught nationwide attention


Kata peaked pada paragraf kedua hampir mendekati arti ….

Kata peaked terdapat pada kalimat ketiga.

The cost of student loans has also peaked sharply, with federal interest rates up to three times as high as the rates from a mere six years ago (Biaya pinjaman mahasiswa juga telah memuncak tajam, dengan tingkat bunga federal hingga tiga kali lebih tinggi dari tingkat hanya enam tahun yang lalu).

Dengan demikian, peaked pada kalimat tersebut berarti kenaikan harga yang cepat. Apalagi dijelaskan bahwa kenaikannya tiga kali lipat dibandingkan 6 tahun yang lalu).

Quickly ascended in price (Kenaikan harga yang cepat).

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah opsi (C).

Bacaan 10

Question 17 – 20 are based on the following passage.

Mass-market history textbooks suffer from a number of deficiencies. Even with judicious editing and some stunning omissions, the typical high school history textbook is over one thousand pages long. Part of the problem lies in the publishers desire to construct a book that appeals to as many regional markets as possible. In order to do so, the publisher must include details that have relatively little historical significance but evoke a degree of local pride in readers. But, the sheer volume of information available in text books is not, in and of itself, the greatest difficulty with these textbooks. The most pressing problem is the textbook writers’ philosophical approach to this information.
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The manner in which most treat history textbooks the story of Columbus “discovery” of America offers a telling example. First, there is a copious historical record indicating that a multitude of explorers had reached North America long before Columbus. This record consists of a diversity of sources, including genetic similarities between North American populations and populations in Africa, Asia, and Europe; homogenous social structures and an forms; and even oral histories and legends of various peoples. While historians argue over the value and reliability of this evidence, it is generally accepted that travelers from Siberia, Japan, China, Polynesia, West Africa, and Iceland most likely arrived in North America long before Columbus did. Textbook authors could simply present all of this evidence to students and let them come to their own conclusions about the discovery and settlement of America in fact, that is how professional historians work. Instead, textbook authors decide to craft a simple narrative around certain historical events at the expense of the true complexities of history. By treating history as a series of settled facts instead of sequence of ongoing debates and interpretations, textbook authors do a great disservice to both their students and to the educational process. In their quest to portray history as a story, textbook authors have unwittingly deprived the subject of some of its most vibrant and interesting aspects. It is no wonder that high school students in the United States rank history as one of their least favorite subjects.

No. 57

The author of the passage is primarily concerned with ….
A. recommending solutions to a problem
B. debunking a long held perspective
C. explaining the nature of a fault
D. responding to an argument
E. evaluating a proposed course of action


Perhatian utama penulis bacaan di atas adalah ….

Di awal paragraf pertama, penulis mengatakan:

Mass-market history textbooks suffer from a number of deficiencies (Buku pelajaran sejarah pasar massal menderita sejumlah kekurangan).

Kemudian penulis menyebutkan kesalahan-kesalahan penulisan pada buku pelajaran sejarah tersebut. Pada paragraf kedua, penulisan menyajikan contoh kesalahan, yakni penemuan benua Amerika oleh Columbus, yang sebenarnya banyak catatan sejarah yang menunjukkan bahwa banyak penjelajah telah mencapai Amerika Utara jauh sebelum Columbus.

Dengan demikian penulis hendak:

Explaining the nature of a fault (menjelaskan suatu kesalahan).

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah opsi (C).

No. 58

The “problem” mentioned in the first paragraph can best be described as arising from the pressure to ….
A. create a product that will please as many customers as possible
B. include as many relevant historical facts as feasible
C. produce a text that will avoid containing controversial statements
D. develop a book that contains a simple
E. narrative arouse the interest of consumers from a particular region


“Masalah” yang disebutkan dalam paragraf pertama dapat digambarkan sebagai timbul dari tekanan untuk ….

Perhatikan kalimat ketiga paragraf pertama!

Part of the problem lies in the publishers desire to construct a book that appeals to as many regional markets as possible (Sebagian masalahnya terletak pada keinginan penerbit untuk membuat buku yang menarik sebanyak mungkin pasar regional).

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Opsi yang sesuai dengan kalimat tersebut adalah:

Create a product that will please as many customers as possible (buat produk yang akan menyenangkan pelanggan sebanyak mungkin).

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah opsi (A).

No. 59

The passage suggests in which of the following ways that the “philosophical approach” to historical information used by textbook authors compromises the teaching of history?
A. By including far more information than is historically relevant, textbook authors make learning history a challenging process for students.
B. By refusing to include a multitude of historical sources, textbook authors fail to provide teachers of history with an appreciation of the complexity of history.
C. By presenting a vast amount of primary source data, textbook authors deprive students of the chance to approach historical studies the way professional historians do.
D. By neglecting to introduce a certain degree of uncertainty to historical events, textbook authors have made the learning of history a less interesting process.
E. By creating simple narratives out of the complex historical record, textbook authors have forced students of history to learn history the way most academics have.


Bacaan ini menyarankan dengan cara manakah di bawah ini bahwa “pendekatan filosofis” terhadap informasi historis yang digunakan oleh para penulis buku pelajaran mengkompromikan pengajaran sejarah?

Di antara lima opsi jawaban, hanya opsi A yang merupakan saran perbaikan penulisan buku sejarah, sedangkan opsi yang lain merupakan kenyataan yang terjadi saat ini.

By including far more information than is historically relevant, textbook authors make learning history a challenging process for students (Dengan memasukkan informasi yang jauh lebih banyak daripada yang relevan secara historis, penulis buku teks menjadikan belajar sejarah sebagai proses yang menantang bagi siswa).

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah opsi (A).

No. 60

The passage implies which of the following about high school history textbooks?
A. Typical modern textbooks are much longer than were those of the past.
B. Despite their size, many history textbooks still fail to include certain important historical details.
C. High school history textbooks have not been submitted to a proper editing process.
D. High school history textbooks are the only textbooks that tend to be tailored to local markets.
E. No high school history textbook presents the complexities surrounding the discovery of America.


Bacaan ini menyiratkan yang mana dari pernyataan berikut tentang buku teks sejarah sekolah menengah?

Berdasarkan keterangan paragraf 1 dan 2, buku pelajaran sekolah saat ini masih banyak kekurangan, masih banyak catatan sejarah, baik lisan maupun tulisan yang belum dimasukkan, dan lain-lain.

Dengan demikian, opsi jawaban yang tepat adalah:

Despite their size, many history textbooks still fail to include certain important historical details (Terlepas dari ukurannya, banyak buku pelajaran sejarah yang masih gagal memasukkan detail sejarah penting tertentu).

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah opsi (B).

Simak Pembahasan Soal TPS UTBK SBMPTN 2019 selengkapnya.

PU : Penalaran Umum
PBM : Pemahaman Bacaan dan Menulis
PPU : Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman Umum
PK : Pengetahuan Kuantitatif

Dapatkan pembahasan soal dalam file pdf  di sini.


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