Rangkuman Materi, Contoh Soal Expressions Of (Giving) Advice & Pembahasannya

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Expressions of advice (memberi nasihat/saran)  adalah ungakapan dalam bahasa Inggris yang sering digunakan dalam percakapan Bahasa Inggris sehari-hari (daily English conversation). Uangkapan ini merujuk ke percakapan dua orang yang biasanya menopikan suatu masalah (problem) dan disertai sebuah solusi (solution). 

Perhatikan ilustrasi di bawah ini:

Ima      : What’s trouble with you?

Inggit   : I just lost my wallet. Inside of it, there are several ATM cards, a driving license, my identity card, and an insurance card.

Ima      : You had batter make the lost report sheets and stick them in the area you think you dropped it and then call the police, bank, and insurance company to make sure that your cards are fine.

Inggit   : Thanks for the advice. I’ll do it.


Dari cerita di atas, Ima berposisi sebagai pembicara 1 (speaker 1) yang memiliki masalah dan Inggit sebagai pembicara 2 (speaker 2) yang memiliki solusi. Dalam hal ini, Inggit memberi solusi berupa saran dengan menggunakan expression of advice yaitu You had better (kamu alangkah baiknya/sebaiknya/lebih baik). Perhatikan jenis-jenis expressions of advice berserta cara menerimanya (accept) dan cara menolak yang halusnya (decline) di bawah ini! 





  • Why don’t you?
  • You should
  • You ought to
  • You are recommended to
  • You had better
  • You are advised to
  • Thanks for your advice
  • Ok. If you say so
  • Ok. It sound good for me
  • Thanks but I want to do my own decision
  • No thanks I feel like it going

Perhatikan conversations di bawah ini!

Conversation 1:

Felix    : Hi, James. I think you are having a problem. What’s problem? Just tell it, will you?

James   : You are right! I am facing a problem now. I feel difficult to pay the debt to a bank. You know that my financial condition, recently, is getting worse due to Covid 19.

Felix    : How much do you need?

James   : Ten million rupiahs. Do you have a soultion to solve my problem?

Felix    : Unfortunately, I just spent my money to renovate my front room of my house a month ago but if you really need it, why don’t you borrow money to Dhika? He just sold his car and planned to save his money in a private bank but not now.

Jemes : Thanks. It sounds good for me.


  • Expression of advice: Why don’t you borrow money (mengapa kamu tidak meminjam saja uang)?
  • Response: Accepted (It sound good for me = tampakanya itu ide/solusi bagus buat saya)

Conversation 2:

Dony             : Hi, Mira! Why are you crying? Are you having a trouble? Please, tell me!

Namira          : Hi, Don! Exactly, I am being in trouble now! My sister is getting severe headache. He just texted me. She is, now, alone at home. What should I do now? I am so confused.

Dony             : Calm down! We should bring her to the hospital or healthy clinicnow as soon as possible. I will take my bike and we go together to fetch her.

Namira          : Thanks Don for your solution. It’s very kind of you.

Dony             : No peroblem. What is a friend for!


  • Expressions of advice: We should bring her to the hospital as soon as possible (kita sebaiknya membawanya ke rumah sakit sesegera mungkin)
  • Response: Accepted (Thanks, Don, for your solution. It is very kind of you!)

Conversation 3

Herda               : Hi, Naufal. A little bird old me that you were absent in the Biology and Mathematics class yesterday. What’s problem?

Naufal             : Hi, Herda. Yes, I was absent in those classes yesterday. I was getting a problem with my motorbike. The machine was off when I went to the school. So I walked along with carrying my bike during an hour. It was very tiring!

Herda               : Poor you. How is yours condition right now?

Naufal             : I put it in an empty room near the security post.

Herd                : You ought to have Mr. Tono, a mechanic whose mechanic shop behind the school,  fix it.

Naufal             : Thanks for your solution but I can fix it myself. I only need some mechanical tools.


  • Expressions of advice: You ought to have Mr. Tono, a mechanic whose mechanic shop is behind the school, fix it. (Kamu sebaiknya menyuruh Pak Tono, mekanik yang bengkelnya di belakang sekolah, untuk memperbaiki motormu.)
  • Response : Declined (Thanks for your solution but I can fix it myself. I just need some mechanical tools.)

Soal No.1

Dialogue 1:

Leny    : I feel confused when I am faced with two choices, studying abroad as my parents expect or working with my friend in a luxurious cruise ship.

Johan  : _____(1)_________. Maybe, he can help you to make the best choice.

  1. (A) I feel disappointed with your choice
  2. I am absolutely interested in what you’ve said
  3. Why don’t you consult this to your old brother?
  4. You had better stop thinking about this all.
  5. I argue that you are better not to take a choice


Dalam percakapan di atas, ada permasalahan yang dihadapi speaker 1 (Leny) yang membutuhkan sebuah masukan/nasihat (advice) dari speaker 2 (John). Maka kita haruspilih opsi C yang menunjukan expression of advice. Berikut ini adalah daftar-daftar expressions of advice:

  • You should
  • Why don’t you
  • I recommend you to
  • You ought to
  • You are recommended to
  • You had better
  • You are advised to

Jawaban C

Soal No.2

Dialogue 2:

Billy     : Look at the man over there. I think he just fell from his ladder. Why don’t we stop a while and help him?

Tomy   : Oke. Let’s stop the car! He have to help him.

The italiced sentence in dialogue above expresses ________

  1. Agreement
  2. Giving opinion
  3. Declining an advice
  4. Giving advice
  5. Giving sympathy


Dalam percakapan di atas, ada permasalahan yang dihadapi speaker 1 (Billy) dan speaker 1 (Tomy) yaitu melihat ada sebuah masalah yang menimpa seorang pria (jatuh dari tangga) sehingga speaker 1 (Billy) memberi sebuah saran yang ditunjukan oleh kalimat Why don’t we stop a while and help him? yang menunjukan expression of advice. Berikut ini adalah daftar-daftar expressions of advice yang lain: You should, Why don’t you, I recommend you to, You ought to, You are recommended to, You had better, You are advised to

Jawaban D

Soal No.3

Dialogue 3:

Ali       : I just got the worst result of my TOEFL test. It is very disappointing!

Baim    : __________________

Ali       : Thank for your good advice. I will do it!

The appropiate expression to fill in the blank in the dialogue above is________

  1. You had batter practice more even consult to our English teacher, Miss Nadia. She has ever got perfect score for her TOEFL Test.
  2. I think you were unfortune at your last TOEFL Test.
  3. I agree with your opinion. I think TOEFL Test is the most difficult English test I have ever done.
  4. I am sorry to hear that. In my opinion, you don’t need to take TOEFL Test anymore. It just wasted your time and money.
  5. Poor you! May I know why you failed to get good score?


Dalam percakapan di atas, ada permasalahan yang dihadapi speaker 1 (Ali), yaitu ia mendapatkan skor TOEFL terburuk sepanjang ia mengikuti tes tersebut sehingga speaker 2 (Baim) memberi sebuah saran yang ditunjukan oleh opsi C, yaitu You had batter practice more even consult to our English teacher, Miss Nadia. She has ever got perfect score for her TOEFL Test

yang menunjukan expression of advice. Berikut ini adalah daftar-daftar expressions of advice yang lain: You should, Why don’t you, I recommend you to, You ought to, You are recommended to, You had better, You are advised to

Jawaban A

Soal No.4

Which of the sentences below does not express giving advice _____

  1. The secretary should inform the meeting decision about the work time policy to all company’s employees soon to minimize the misconception.
  2. I think your opinion sounds very great because the solution to overcome Covid 19 is the finding of vaccine.
  3. You are advised to return the books you have borrowed to the library on time to avoid unwanted fine.
  4. Why doesn’t your mother come to Rosa’s great concert? I think she needs to see her idol’s singing this night.
  5. I recommend you to clean that ink spill on your desk to avoid our teache’s being angry with you. 


Opsi B menunjukan expression of giving opinion (ungkapan memberi pendapat) karena ditunjukan oleh frasa “I think” dalam kalimat  “I think your opinion sounds very great because the solution to overcome Covid 19 is the finding of vaccine” sedangkan opsi A, C, D, dan E menunjukan expression of giving advice (memberi saran) karena terdapat kata-kata berikut:

  • Opsi A = The secretary should …….
  • Opsi C = Your are advised to …..
  • Opsi D = Why doesnt your mother …..
  • Opsi E = I recommend you to …….

Jawaban B

Semoga Bermanfaat

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