Rangkuman Materi, Contoh Soal Hope And Wish Berikut Pembahasannya

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Ungkapan hope dan wish pada dasarnya sama-sama bermakna “berharap”. Namun sebenarnya penggunaannya berbeda. Hope lebih cenderung ke harapan akan sesuatu di masa depan/belum terjadi (This expression states one’s expectation of something in the future) sedangkan wish lebih ke harapan/khayalan akan terjadinya sesuatu di masa lampau. (This expression states one’s wish of something in the past). Agar lebih jelasnya mari kita lihat perbedaan ungkapan hope dan wish berikut ini!

Expression of hope



1 I hope + TO VERB 1
2 We hope we can + VERB 1
3 I am hoping for …….
4 I expect that S + WILL +VERB 1
5 My expectation is
6 My dream is become/I dream of …
7 I want to/What i want is ………
8 Wish You  (Wish berupa doa)

Keterangan: penggunaan moda verba (kata kerja) pada hope lebih ke PRESENT karena memang acuannya adalah sesuatu yang belum terjadi.


Dialogue 1

Devan  : My brother, Rocky, is going to join Science and  technology competition held in U.S. next week. Now, he is currently applying for a passport in Jakarta.

Restu   : Wow, that’s great. I am proud of him. I hope he WINS the competition and PRESENTS the pride for himself, your family, and our country, of course.

Devan   : Thanks for your praying him.

Dialogue 2

Wanto:   : What troubles you? You look so pale.

Masayu  : I am a bit sick at the moment. I was just out of the hospital. I had been hospitalized for  5 days because of having severe anemia.

Wanto    : Are you sure? How poor you are! I hope you GET recover soon and act normally.

Masayu  : I hope so. Thanks for hoping this.


Dialogue 3:

Adul      : Meng, have you seen Sule, my son? I haven’t seen him since two hours ago. He has to get immunization now.

Komeng  : Why doon’t you ask your wife? Possibly, he is being woth her now.

Adul      : Maybe but I am not sure. My son is actually afraid of being injected. He always cries and runs away if he see a syringe.

Komeng  : I see. I hope you MEET your son as soon as possible.

Adul        : I hope so.

Wish Expression

S + Wish/Wishes

–          S + Verb 2


–          S + Did not + Verb 1

–          S + Were

–          S + Could/Could not + Verb 1

–          S + Had + Verb 3/Had Been


Mengharapkan, berhasrat, berkehendak, inginnya


Dialogue 1:

Ganjar : My handphone was taken by somebody else when I was sleeping in a bus seat.

Anies    :  Where did you put it when you were sleeping?

Ganjar :  In my shirt pocket. I wish I HADN’T BEEN SLEEPING at the time.

Anies   : You must be careful next time. Put your valuable things in the bag when you are in a public place. 

Fact from that wish:

Jayus were sleeping in a bust seat at the time.


Dialogue 2:

Ngabalin  :  My school just lost to SMAN 1 Bogor in the final match of Volley ball competition. I WISH NANDO HAD BEEN IN OUR TEAM at the time because he was the best and the strongest spiker in our school. Unfortunatelly, he were caring her mother’s getting sick.

Adian      : Yes, you are right. Without him, our school’s volley ball team became weaker. I hope we have another best spiker like Nando one time.

Ngabalin   : I hope so.

Fact from that wish:

Nando were not in their team at the time.

Dialogue 3:

Riko   :  Agung finally married to Dora, my exgirlfriend. Actually, I rather regret to let her marry to him.

Febri   :  Why did you say that? Do you still love her?

Riko   : Yes, I do. I WISH I DID NOT LET HER go to the party alone. I know she was very disappointed. There, she met to Agung.

Febri    : Be sensitive and attentive as a man. I hope you can get another better woman.

Fact from that wish:

Riko let Dora go to the party alone.

Soal No.1

Yoga : Your footbal team, Real Madrid, hasn’t won in four last matches even it has lost to Barcelona with unwanted score (6-1)

Yogi    : _______________________

Which is not the appropiate answer of what Yoga said?

  1. I wish Cristiano Ronaldo had been in the best performance at the time
  2. Madrid’s fans all over the world hope that the team can forget the bad result and focus at next matches
  3. I wish Madrid’s performance can be better in several next matches
  4. Barcelona’s fans hope Madrid never win anymore so that their team won’t have difficulty to be the champion.
  5. I wish that Madrid’s other strikers could score when Ronaldo was in bad peformance.


Selalu dingat secara teori, penggunaan wish tidak diperkenankan untuk berharap sesuatu di masa depan (kecuali ungkapan do’a: wish you…). Wish selalu diikuti oleh PAST FORM (Verb 2/Didn’t/Were/Could/Had Verb/Been) sedangkan Hope selalu diiukti oleh PRESENT FORM (Verb 1/Verb (-s/-es)/Are/Am/Is/Don’t/Doesn’t/Can). Satu jawaban yang TIDAK BENAR alias tidak menerapkan teori tadi adalah opsi C (I wish Madrid’s performance can be better in several next matches). Setelah WISH diikuti oleh PRESENT FORM, Madrid’s performance CAN BE better HARUSNYA Madrid,s performance COULD BE better.

Jawaban C

Soal No.2

Selfi   : I am being confused how to do this Mathematics assignment. _________________

Ratna  :You are right. Miss Esih, our Math teacher, has said that the theory in Math class yesterday was the most difficult in Senior High School.

Selfi     : I think so.

The best expression to fill the blank space in the dialogue above is ______

  1. I wish I could attend the Math class yesterday and understood the theory applied in this Math assignment.
  2. I hope I attended the Math class yesterday so that I can do this math assignment.
  3. Wish me able to do this math assignment because Miss Esih has explained the theory ver well.
  4. I hoped I can attend the Math class so that I understood Miss Esih’s explaining Math theory.
  5. I wished Miss Esih explained the Math theory very clearly so I understood the theory.


Selalu dingat secara teori, penggunaan wish tidak diperkenankan untuk berharap sesuatu di masa depan (kecuali ungkapan do’a: wish you…). Wish selalu diikuti oleh PAST FORM (Verb 2/Didn’t/Were/Could/Had Verb/Been) sedangkan Hope selalu diiukti oleh PRESENT FORM (Verb 1/Verb (-s/-es)/Are/Am/Is/Don’t/Doesn’t/Can). Satu jawaban yang BENAR alias menerapkan teori di atas adalah opsi A (I wish I could attend the Math class yesterday and understood the theory applied in this Math assignment). Setelah WISH diikuti oleh PAST FORM, I could attend the Math class yesterday.

Jawaban A

Soal No.3

Bella : All twelve graders students predict that English examination held this Tuesday is very difficult

Safira  : ____________________________

Bella   : We hope so

The best expression to fill the blank space in the dialogue above is ______

  1. We wish that you and I could pass the English examination well and get the good grade
  2. I hoped that I were good in English so whenever and wherever I do the test, I am always ready and can pass it without any problem.
  3. I hope that the prediction were not proven at all. I think it is just worry from they who dislike English subject
  4. Wish they passed the English examination well although they didn’t study English well.
  5. I really hope that their prediction is not true. Moreover, Personally, I am not good in English.


Selalu dingat secara teori, penggunaan wish tidak diperkenankan untuk berharap sesuatu di masa depan (kecuali ungkapan do’a: wish you…). Wish selalu diikuti oleh PAST FORM (Verb 2/Didn’t/Were/Could/Had Verb/Been) sedangkan Hope selalu diiukti oleh PRESENT FORM (Verb 1/Verb (-s/-es)/Are/Am/Is/Don’t/Doesn’t/Can). Jawaban dari Bella: “We hope so” mengindikasikan jika Safira harus menggunakan HOPE EXPRESSION bukan WISH EXPRESSION. Maka jawaban yang benar dan sesuai kaidah adalah opsi E (I really hope that their prediction is not true. Moreover, Personally, I am not good in English). Setelah HOPE diikuti oleh PRESENT FORM, Their prediction IS not true.

Jawaban E

Soal No.4

Bimo :The internist diagnosed your friend, Tejo, is getting hypertension and kidney irritation.

Tasya  : ______________________________

Bimo   : I also wish it

The best expression to fill the blank space in the dialogue above is ______

  1. Let’s hope that he would be better after the internist gave him some medicine
  2. Personally, I wish Tejo consumed he healthy food and drink and avoided the potent drink that could irritate his kideney by slow time.
  3. I wish he will be better and be able to keep his healthy life, included his diet.
  4. We really hoped that Tejo could keep her healthy life and not be stressed to evoid his hypertension
  5. I wished the doctor could cure Tejo’s sickness so that after getting medication, he become more healthy than before.


Selalu dingat secara teori, penggunaan wish tidak diperkenankan untuk berharap sesuatu di masa depan (kecuali ungkapan do’a: wish you…). Wish selalu diikuti oleh PAST FORM (Verb 2/Didn’t/Were/Could/Had Verb/Been) sedangkan Hope selalu diiukti oleh PRESENT FORM (Verb 1/Verb (-s/-es)/Are/Am/Is/Don’t/Doesn’t/Can). Jawaban dari Bimo: “I also wish it” mengindikasikan jika Tasya harus menggunakan WISH EXPRESSION bukan HOPE EXPRESSION. Maka jawaban yang benar dan sesuai kaidah adalah opsi B (Personally, I wish Tejo consumed he healthy food and drink and avoided the potent drink that could irritate his kideney by slow time.) Setelah WISH diikuti oleh PAST FORM, Tejo CONSUMED.

Jawaban B.

Semoga Bermanfaat

Artkel Terkait  Rangkuman Materi Perkembangan Setelah Perang Dunia II

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