Rangkuman Materi, Contoh Soal Participial Clause Part 1 & Pembahasannya

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Participle artinya ketatakerjaan. Istilah participle atau partisip sebenarnya berhubungan dengan pengaktifan fungsi kata kerja agar memiliki fungsi gramatikal tertentu dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris (English sentence). Salah satu fungsi participle adalah sebagai klausa (participial clause).

Fungsi klausa partisip (participial clause) yaitu sebagai pembeda lain dari tiga bentuk kalimat majemuk bertingkat (complex sentence) yaitu bentuk time clause, relative clause / wh-word clause, dan causal clause. Di bagian pertama kita akan bahasa participial clause untuk time (penggunaan waktu) dan causal (penyebaban)


Klausa partisip waktu ibagi menjadi dua: active time participal clause dan passive time participial clause. Perhatikan penjelasan di bawah ini!

Active time participial clause

Klausa partisif aktif (waktu) memiliki kesamaan makna dengan past perfect tense bentuk aktif. Perhatikan quick tips di bawah ini!

HAVING + VERB 3, Subject + Predicate

Meaning: Setelah me- ……, subjek ….

AFTER S + HAD + VERB 3, Subject + Predicate

Meaning: Setelah subjek me- …, dia/ia ….


  • Klausa partisif waktu Having + Verb 3 memiliki makna (semantik) yang sama dengan past perfect tense (After S + Had +Verb 3). 
  • Dalam klausa partisif waktu, subject dalam klausa (Having + Verb 3) adalah subject dalam klausa utama (main clause).


  1. Having applied to a restaurant, Chef Juki was accepted to work there

    (Setelah melamar ke sebuah restauran, Chef Juki diterima kerja di sana)

  1. After Chef Juki had applied to a restaurant, he was accepted to work there

    (Setelah Chef Juki melamar ke sebuah restauran, ia diterima kerja di sana)


  • Kalimat No.1 disebut active participial clause sedangkan kalimat No.2 sebut past perfect tense bentuk aktif

Passive time participial clause

Klausa partisif pasif (waktu) memiliki kesamaan makna dengan past perfect tense bentuk pasif .Perhatikan quick tips di bawah ini!

HAVING + BEEN +VERB 3, Subject + Predicate


Meaning: Setelah di …, subjek …..

AFTER S + HAD BEEN + VERB 3, Subject + Predicate


Meaning: Setelah subject + di …., dia/ia ……


  • Klausa partisif waktu Having +Been + Verb 3 memiliki makna (semantik) yang sama dengan past perfect tense (After S + Had +Been + Verb 3). 
  • Dalam klausa partisif waktu, subject dalam klausa (Having + Been + Verb 3) adalah subject dalam klausa utama (main clause).


  1. Having been repaired, the car was finally sold by its owner

    (Setelah diperbaiki, mobil itu akhirnya dijual pemiliknya)

  1. After the car had been repaired, it was finally sold by its owner

    (Setelah mobil itu diperbaiki, akhirnya dijual)


  • Kalimat No.1 disebut passive participial clause sedangkan kalimat No.2 sebut past perfect tense bentuk pasif


Causality participial clause disebut juga klausa partisip kausal (penyebaban). Jadi, selain dihubungkan dengan konjungsi waktu, klausa juga bisa berbentuk partisip non-waktu. Maksudnya? Dalam hal ini, bentuk partisip direlasikan dengan konjungsi alasan (causality conjunction), yaitu because/since/as yang bermakna “karena”. Perhatikan contoh berikut:

  1. Because Zulfa adopted a child, she is admitted as a mother.

    (Karena Zulfa sudah mengadopsi seorang anak, Ia dianggap ibu)

  1. Adopting a child, Zulfa is admitted as a mother.

    (Karena mengadopsi seorang anak, Zulfa dianggap seorang ibu)


  1. Klausa Zulfa adopted a child adalah anak klausa (bound clause) yang mengandung konjungsi kausalitas.
  2. Klausa Adopting a child adalah klausa partisip sebagai bentuk lain dari Zulfa adopted a child.

Secara teori, ada dua bentuk causality participle clause ini: aktif (karena me-/ber-) dan pasif (karena di-/ter-). Untuk memahami materi partisip tipe causality clause ini, perhatikan penjelasan dibawah ini:

Active participial clause (Karena me-/ber-)

Klausa partisif aktif kausal memiliki kesamaan makna dengan causal sentence (kalimat penyebaban) bentuk aktif. Perhatikan quick tips di bawah ini!

VERB (-ING), Subject + Predicate

Meaning: Karena  me …, subjek …..

BECAUSE + S + PREDICATE (ACTIVE), Subject + Predicate

Meaning: Karena subject + me …., dia/ia ……


  • Klausa partisif waktu Verb (-ing) ………. memiliki makna (semantik) yang sama dengan causal sentence (kalimat penyebaban) bentuk aktif. Lihat simbol sama “sama dengan”
  • Dalam klausa partisif kausal, subject dalam klausa (Verb –ing ………) adalah subject dalam klausa utama (main clause).


  1. Involving himself in a business, Davin looks so busy. (Active causality participial clause)
  2. Because/since Davin involved himself in a business, he looks so busy. (Complex sentence with causality subordinator)


Kalimat No.1 disebut active causality participial clause sedangkan kalimat No.2 sebut complex sentence with causality subordinator

Passive participle clause(Karena di-/ter-/ke-an)

Klausa partisif pasif kausal memiliki kesamaan makna dengan causal sentence (kalimat penyebaban) bentuk pasif. Perhatikan quick tips di bawah ini!

VERB 3, Subject + Predicate

Meaning: Karena  di …, subjek …..

BECAUSE + S + PREDICATE (PASSIVE), Subject + Predicate

Meaning: Karena subject + di …., dia/ia ……


  • Klausa partisif waktu Verb 3 ………. memiliki makna (semantik) yang sama dengan causal sentence (kalimat penyebaban) bentuk pasif.
  • Dalam klausa partisif kausal, subject dalam klausa (Verb 3 ………) adalah subject dalam klausa utama (main clause).


  1. Decorated so colorfully, the rooms seemed to be a rainbow (Passive causality participle clause)
  2. Because/since the rooms had been decorated so colorfully, it seemed to be a a rainbow.(Complex sentence with causality subordinator)


Kalimat No.1 disebut passive causality participial clause sedangkan kalimat No.2 sebut complex sentence with causality subordinator

Causality participle for non-verbal form

Bentuk partisip kausalitas untuk non-verbal (bukan kata kerja) harus diawali dengan kata kerja bantu Being dan diikuti oleh komplementer, seperti kata sifat (adjective), kata benda (noun), dan keterangan berpreposisi (adverb). Perhatikan perbandingan dua kalimat berikut:

  1. Being a horeine of Indonesia, Cut Nyak Dien’s name becomes the name of some roads in Aceh. (Causality participle clause)
  2. Because Cut Nyak Dien is a heroine of Indonesia, her name becomes the name of some roads in Aceh. (Complex sentence with causality subordinator)


Kalimat 1 dan kalimat dua secara makna sama, namun berbeda secara ketatabahasaan. Lihat simbol

Klausa partisif pasif (alasan) memiliki kesamaan makna dengan causal sentence (kalimat penyebaban) bentuk pasif. Perhatikan quick tips di bawah ini!

BEING (COMPLEMENT), Subject + Predicate

Meaning: Karena  di …, subjek …..

BECAUSE + S + PREDICATE (NONVERBAL), Subject + Predicate

Meaning: Karena subject + di …., dia/ia ……


  • Klausa partisif waktu Verb 3 ………. memiliki makna (semantik) yang sama dengan causal sentence (kalimat penyebaban) bentuk pasif. Lihat simbol sama “sama dengan”
  • Dalam klausa partisif kausal, subject dalam klausa (Verb 3 ………) adalah subject dalam klausa utama (main clause).
  • Predikat complement terdiri dari tiga jenis: kata benda (noun), kata sifat (adjective), dan kata keterangan (adverb)

Untuk lebih memahami materi tentang participal clause (TIME dan CAUSAL), perhatikan contoh-contoh di bawah ini!

Contoh time participial clause

Complex sentence Time participle clause
After Bintang had taken over the company, he became a general manager Having taken over the company, Bintang became a general manager
After The magicians had performed, they entered the secret rooms Having performed, the magicians entered the secret rooms
After the steel had been solidified, it was formed to be some steel-made things Having been solidified, the steel was formed to be some steel-made things
After Renata had been in Venezuela, she started to negotiate with some businessmen Having been in Venezuela, Renata started to negotiate with some businessmen

Causality participial clause

Complex clause Causality participle clause
Because Jasmine was frightened with a mysterious appearance, she then screamed and run away Being frightened with a mysterious appearance, Jasmin then screamed and run away
Since the cruel king had ruled the kingdom, he took the burdening tax from the people Ruling the kingdom, the cruel king took the burdening tax from the people
As the fuits are mixed with some milk, they tastes so freshy Mixed with some milk, the fruits taste so freshy
Becasue I  acted very well in the film, I was nominated as the best actor Acting very well in the film, I was nominated as the best actor

Make the same forms of the participle cases below! See the example!

  1. Not being happy to live with her step mother, Jasmine ran away.

    (Because Jasmine was not happy to live with her step mother, she ran away)

  1. Recruited as the main member, I felt proud of myself
  2. Standing in line for hours to buy the tickets of JKT 48, Dody felt so tired
  3. Having linked two unconnected cables, Indra pushed the power button.
  4. Being popular due to his “odading Mang Oleh” video, Ade Londok became an instagram celebrity.
  5. Smiling so sweetly, Naura is regarded as “An Angle from Paradise”.
  6. Having been jailed by the state police, the terrorists could do nothin
  7. Being a professional pilot, Richard can fly a jet plane.
  8. Having been asked to join the dance club, Kamila is very enthusiastic.
  9. Called “the fat got”, Dudung felt angry and hit Dadang


  1. Because I was recruited as the main member, I felt proud of myself
  2. Because Dody had been standing in line for hours to buy the tickets of JKT 48, he felt so tired
  3. After Indra had linked two unconnected cables, he pushed the power button.
  4. Because Ade Londok is popular due to his “Odading Mang Oleh” video, he became an instagram celebrity.
  5. Because Naura smiles so sweetly, she is regarded as “An Angle from Paradise”.
  6. After the terrorists had been jailed by the state police, they could do nothin
  7. Because Richard becomes a professional pilot, he can fly a jet plane
  8. After Kamila had been asked to join the dance club, she is very enthusiastic.
  9. Because Dudung was called “the fat got”, he felt angry and hit Dadang.

Semoga Bermanfaat

Artkel Terkait  30 Soal Latihan UAS/PAT Sejarah Peminatan Kelas 10 Semester 2 K13 Beserta Jawaban~2

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