Rangkuman Materi, Contoh Soal Participial Clause Part 2 & Pembahasannya

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Fungsi klausa partisip (clause participle) yaitu sebagai pembeda lain dari tiga bentuk kalimat majemuk bertingkat (complex sentence) yaitu bentuk time clause, relative clause / wh-word clause, dan causal clause.

Di artikel terdahulu, sudah dijelaskan bahwa adjective clause artinya ‘yang’. Bentuk gramatikal adjective clause juga bisa dibentuk dengan menggunakan kaidah partisif (Verb-ing dan Verb 3). Perhatikan perbandingan dua kalimat di bawah ini!

  1. The hotel owner who has donated a part of his richness is Mr.Nugroho

    (Adjective clause)

  1. The hotel owner donating a part of his richness is Mr.Nugroho. (Participial Adjective clause)


  1. Kalimat pertama (adjective clause) memiliki makna yang sama dengan kalimat kedua (participial adjective clause).
  2. Klausa adjektival who has donated bisa diganti dengan klausa partisif

    Untuk memahami participial adjective clause dan perbandingannya dengan adjective clause, perhatikan penjelasan berikut ini!

Participial Adjective Clause In Active From (yang me-/ber-)

Quick Tips:


  1. Merupakan adjective clause
  2. Merupakan participial adjective clause in active form

Kedua bentuk tersebut sama secara makna (semantik) namun berbeda secara bentuk (grammatical form)



Adjective clause Participial adjective clause in active form


1 I saw an old farmer who was cultivating his fertile farmland I saw an old farmer cultivating his fertile farmland Saya melihat seoang petani tua yang sedang menggarap lahan pertaniannya yang subur
2 The killer whale that always faces off with a white shark is found dead The killer whale always facing off with a white shark is found dead Paus pembunuh yang selalu berhadapan dengan seekor hiu putih tersebut ditemukan mati.
3 Some clowns who were being bored with their performance decided to resign from the circus Some clowns being bored with their performance decided to resign from the circus Sejumlah badut yang merasa bosan dengan penampilannya memutuskan untuk mengundurkan diri dari sirkus
4 Please meet a veterinarian who can check up your pets’ health Please meet a veterinarian checking up your pets’ health Tolong temui dokter hewan yang bisa mengecek kesehatan hewan peliharaanmu
5 Bram’s romantic novel which has hypnotized all young readers costs Rp50.000 Bram’s romantic novel hypnotizing all young readers costs Rp50.000 Novel romantis Bram yang sudah menghipnotis para pembaca muda berharga Rp50.000

Participial Adjective Clause in Passive Form (yang di-/ter-/ke-an/merasa)

Bimbel’s Concept:


  1. Merupakan adjective clause
  2. Merupakan participial adjective clause in passive form

Kedua bentuk tersebut sama secara makna (semantik) namun berbeda secara bentuk (grammatical form)



Adjective clause Participial Adjective Clause in Passive Form


1 The queen who had been kidnapped by a giant made the king worried The queen kidnapped by a giant made the king worried Sang ratu yang telah diculik oleh seekor raksasa membuat sang raja khawatir
2 I’ve never admitted the legal status of the rules which were stated by the prime minister I’ve never admitted the legal status of the rules stated by the primeminister Saya tidak pernah mengakui status sah aturan-aturan yang ditetapkan oleh perdana menteri
3 Some runners who are interviewed by the journalists are usually from Jamaica Some runners interviewed by the journalists are usually from Jamaica Beberapa pelari yang diwawancarai oleh wartawan biasanya dari Jamaika
4 Tio seldom buys the mechanical tools that are produced by Chinese Company Tio seldom buys the mechanical tools produced by Chinese Company Tio Jarang membeli alat-alat mekanik yang diproduksi olehperusahaan Cina
5 I will be engaged with the girl who’s ever kissed by my mother in school I will be engaged with the girl ever kissed by my mother in the school Saya akan bertunangan dengan gadis yang pernah dicium ibuku di sekolah

Contoh Soal 1

Pilihlah jawaban yang benar di antara opsi A, B, C, D, dan E pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah ini!

Soal No.1

Two days ago, the crew of hunting  just caught the fox _________ the prey from a cheetah.

  1. Steal
  2. Stolen
  3. Steal
  4. Stealing
  5. Has been stealing


Kalimat two days ago, the crew of  hunting  just caught the fox _________ the prey from a cheetah adalah participial adjective clause yang harus diisi dengan verb-ing (yang me-/ber-) atau verb 3 (yang di-/ter-). Kalimat di atas diisi dengan stealing yang artinya “yang mencuri”. Makna kalimat: “dua hari yang lalu, kru pemburu menangkap rubah yang mencuri mangsa dari seekor macan tutul”

Jawaban D

Soal No.2

For some cases, the working accidents______ by human error dominate the rate of accident in working area.

  1. Causing
  2. Caused
  3. Cause
  4. Causes
  5. To be caused


Kalimat For some cases, the working accidents______ by human error dominate the rate of accident in working area adalah participial adjective clause yang harus diisi dengan verb-ing (yang me-/ber-) atau verb 3 (yang di-/ter-). Kalimat di atas diisi dengan caused yang artinya “yang disebabkan oleh”. Makna kalimat: “Untuk beberapa kasus, kecelakaan yang disebabkan oleh kesalahan manusia mendominasi tingkat kecelakaan kerja di area kerja”

Jawaban B

Soal No.3

(Soal UMPTN/1997/Ra B)

Slowly and carefully the police entered the dense forest _____ the robber’s hiding place.

  1. Surround
  2. Which surrounding
  3. Surrounding
  4. Is surrounding
  5. Surrounds


Kalimat Slowly and carefully the police entered the dense forest _____ the robber’s hiding place adalah participial adjective clause yang harus diisi dengan verb-ing (yang me-/ber-) atau verb 3 (yang di-/ter-). Kalimat di atas diisi dengan surrounding yang artinya “yang mengelilingi”. Makna kalimat:  “Dengan perlahan dan hati-hati, polisi memasuki hutan lebat yang mengelilingi area persembunyian si perampok”

Jawaban C

Soal No.4

(Soal SPMB/2002/Reg 2)

A symbol of royal prosperity in the past, the old castle, _______ firmly on the island shore, is frequently visited by foreign tourists.

  1. Stand
  2. Stood
  3. Standing
  4. To stand
  5. Are standing


Kalimat A symbol of royal prosperity in the past, the old castle, _______ firmly on the island shore, is frequently visited by foreign tourists adalah participial adjective clause yang harus diisi dengan verb-ing (yang me-/ber-) atau verb 3 (yang di-/ter-). Kalimat di atas diisi dengan standing yang artinya “yang berdiri”. Makna kalimat: “Sebuah simbol dari kemakmuran royalis di masa lalu, kastil tua ini, yang berdiri tegak di pantai pulau, seringkali dikunjungi oleh turis-turis dari luar negeri.”

Jawaban C

Soal No.5

I met the meatball seller ________my grandmother crossing the crowded road and thanked him

  1. To be helped
  2. Helped
  3. Helping
  4. Was helping
  5. Who was helped


Kalimat I met the meatball seller ________my grandmother crossing the crowded road and thanked him adalah participial adjective clause yang harus diisi dengan verb-ing (yang me-/ber-) atau verb 3 (yang di-/ter-). Kalimat di atas diisi dengan helping yang artinya “yang menolong”. Makna kalimat: “Saya menemui penjual bakso yang menolong nenekku menyebrang jalan yang ramai dan mengucapkan terima kasih kepadannya”

Jawaban C

Contoh Soal 2

Ubahlah participial adjective clause di bawah ini menjadi adjective clause!

  1. Namira speaking in this business forum is a young motivator and business woman frequently invited to be the keynote speaker in motivational seminar.
  2. I have given some money and ready-eat food to the old beggar just sitting here.
  3. Serenita called “the pretty ghost” by her friends in this school is a swimming athlete just gaining a gold medal in SEA Games.
  4. The person bitten by this taipan snake will be dead if she or he doesn’t take a fast medical treatment.
  5. Chantika was angry with a boy taking her grape fuits without her permission
  6. The country in Europe regarded as the paradise in the world due to its beautiful landscape is Switzerland
  7. Mike Tyson just knock out his main rival, Ricardo Balela, always disparaging him before the fight.
  8. This shaddy tree planted by Mr. Nick forty years ago was from South Africa.
  9. Tiara working in this delivery enterprise doesn’t send the package to the man cphoning her prvious night.
  10. Chikita treated by a therapist right now because of her broken leg always cries to restrain her pain.


  1. Namira who is speaking in this business forum is a young motivator and business woman frequently who has been invited to be the keynote speaker in motivational seminar.
  2. I have given some money and ready-eat food to the old beggar who just sat
  3. Serenita who is called “the pretty ghost” by her friends in this school is a swimming athlete who just gained a gold medal in SEA Games.
  4. The person who is bitten by this taipan snake will be dead if she or he doesn’t take a fast medical treatment.
  5. Chantika was angry with a boy who took her grape fuits without her permission
  6. The country in Europe who is regarded as the paradise in the world due to its beautiful landscape is Switzerland
  7. Mike Tyson just knock out his main rival, Ricardo Balela, always who disparaged him before the fight.
  8. This shaddy tree which was planted by Nick forty years ago was from South Africa.
  9. Tiara who works in this delivery enterprise doesn’t send the package to the man who phoned her prvious night.
  10. Chikita treated by a therapist right now because of her broken leg always cries to restrain her pain.

Semoga Bermanfaat

Artkel Terkait  Video Pembahasan Soal SBMPTN Kimia Tahun 2016

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