Rangkuman Materi, Contoh Soal Modal Auxiliary & Pembahasannya

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Modal adalah salah satu aspek gramatikal yang keberadaannya mendukung keberadaan kata kerja (modal disebut juga helping verb atau kata kerja bantu). Secara teori, modal bagian dari auxiliary atau kata kerja bantu. Kita tahu bahwa kata kerja bantu dibagi menjadi empat: modal (can, will, may, must, shall, should, had to, might, would, could), to be (are, am, is, was, were, be, been, being), have (has, had, has), dan do (do, does, did).

Pattern of modal use

Modal pada dasarnya bisa memiliki karakter predikatif yang bervariasi, tergantung dari bentuk (syntax) kalimatnya. Inilah pola lengkap penggunaan modal dalam kalimat:

Quick tips:                      

Cara membaca konsep: Ikuti alur link pencangkup dengan struktur atau polanya.


  1. Setelah Subjek (S) + MODAL + bisa diikuti oleh Be dan setelah Be bisa diikuti oleh complement atau pelengkap.
  2. Setelah Subjek (S) + MODAL + bisa diikuti oleh Have dan setelah Have harus diikuti oleh Verb 3 + Object + Adverb (time/place/manner).

Modal in present form and modal in past form

Modal bisa digunakan untuk waktu sekarang (present) dan waktu lampau (past).Kuy ah lihat tabel di bawah ini ya!

Modal in present form

CanWill Must/ have to /has to MayShall
Modal in past formCould Would Had toMight



Coba perhatikan perbandingan penggunaan modal present dan modal pas tdari penggunaan keterangan waktunya (time clues)!

Sekarang kita akan ulas lebih dalam bagaimana kita menggunakan modal verb dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

  1. MUST/HAVE TOMust secara arti menyatakan “keharusan atau kewajiban”. Namun dalam percakapan sehari-hari, must memiliki beberapa pengertian
    1. Strong advice (Saran kuat) dan obligation (Kewajiban)Obligation artinya “kewajiban” yang harus dilakukan oleh seseorang karena itu berhubungan dengan rules atau regulation (aturan)
      • Must adalah saran yang kuat (strong advice)
      • Have to/has to adalah kewajiban (obligation)


      • The office staffs must negotiate to the company’s general manager about the policy of job placement. (Staf-staf kantor harus bernegosiasi ke manajer utama perusahaan perihal kebijakan penempatan kerja)
      • All students of this vocational school has to arrive at school before 7 AM otherwise the principal will punish them. (Semua siswa sekolah kejuruan ini harus tiba di sekolah sebelum pukul 7 jika tidak kepala sekolah akan menghukum mereka)
    2. Certainty (Kepastian/keyakinan)Certainty artinya “keyakinan/kepastian”. Ungkapan kepastian dalam bahasa Inggris diungkapkan dengan Must be + Adjective /Noun


      • The fisherman on a boat saw a man swimming in this river. He must be (Si nelayan ia atas perahu melihat seorang pria berenang di sungai ini. Ia pasti Jeremiah)
      • That idle puppil must be confused to answer the question about Algebra because he never learns it before. (Siswa pemalas tersebut pasti kebingungan menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan tentang Al-jabar karena ia tidak pernah belajar sebelumnya)
  1. SHALL/SHOULDSecara meaning, shall/should artinya “akan”. Namun penggunaanya bisa untuk berbagai macam ungkapan di bawah ini:
    1. Suggestion/recommendation (Saran atau masukan)Penggunaan shall sebagai suggestion atau recommendation harus berbentuk should. Berikut ini adalah ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan  suggestion (saran) dan recommendation (masukan)
      • Should + V1,
      • Had better + V1,
      • Advise someone to + Verb 1,
      • Ought to,
      • Why don’t you + V1…,
      • What about/How about+ V1..


      • The book writter is advised to totally revise her/his error writing before the publisher publishes it. (Penulis buku itu dianjurkan untuk merevisi total tulisan salahnya sebelum penerbit menerbitkan bukunya)
      • Eva should return the borrowed novels to the library before the deadline of returning day. (Eva sebaiknya mengembalikan novel-novel yang ia pinjam ke perpustakaan sekolah sebelum hari terakhir pengembalian)
    2. Future/planPenggunaan shall yang maknanya akan/berencana digunakan untuk subjek (subject pronoun) we dan I


      • The publisher marketers and I shall circulate those books in all stores in this City. (Pemasar penerbit tersebut dan saya sebaiknya mengedarkan buku-buku tersebut di semua toko di kota ini)
      • I shall warn every tourists not to swim or surfing this beach due to the suddenly coming huge wave (Saya sebaiknya memperingatkan semua turis tersebut untuk tidak berenang di pantai tersebut karena ombak besar yang sering datang mendadak)
  1. CAN/COULDSecara meaning, can/could berarti “bisa/dapat/mampu”. Namun bisa juga digunakan beberapa ungkapan dalam daily conversation:
    1. Ability/capability (Menyatakan kemampuan)
      Can,  (Are/Am/Is) able to, Could (in past from)

      Can/could = menunjukan kemampuan bisasa, artinya “bisa” dilakukan hanya pada saat itu saja

      Be able to = menjukan bisa kerena ahli atau di bidangnya.


      • Russian cosmonouts are able to explore the surface of Moon for one hour. (Antariksawan Rusia bisa menjelajah permukaan bulan selama satu jam)
      • The fruits seller can give big discounts before he sells out them one day later. (Penjual buah tersebut bisa memberi diskon besar sebelum ia mengobralnya sehari kemudian)
    2. Asking for permission (Meminta izin)Asking for permission artinya “meminta izin”. Ungkapan meminta izin (expressions of asking for permission) adalah:
      Can I ….? May I…? Could I…?


      • May I see your home assignment before you submit it? (Bolehkah saya menlihat tugas rumahmu sebelum kamu menyerahkannya)
      • Can I borrow your pencil sharpener just a second? (Bolehkah saya meminjam penyerut pensilmu sebentar?)
      • Could I leave this meeting room for a while because I need to answer my father’s call? (Bisakah saya meninggalkan ruangan rapat ini sebentar karena saya harus mengangkat telepon dari ayah?)
    3. Asking for help (Meminta tolong)Asking for help artinya “meminta bantuan”. Ungkapan meminta bantuan dalam bahasa inggris adalah:
      Could you please…..? Can you ……, please?


      • Could you turn off this air conditioner because my daughter is getting cold? (Bisakah kamu mematikan AC karena anak perempuanku sedang demam?)
      • Could you shut that rear gate, please? (Bisakah kamu menutup pintu belakang itu?)
      • Can you help me answer these Chemistry questions? (Bisakah kamu membantuku menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan Kimia ini?)
  2. MAY/MIGHTSecara sintaksis arti dari may/might adalah “boleh”. Namun may/might juga bisa digunakan untuk ungkapan-ungkapan lainnya dalam bahasa Inggris
    1. Possibility (Kemungkinan)Possibilty artinya “kemungkinan”. Ungkapan-ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kemungkinan adalah:
      may, maybe, might, might be, may be,  possibly, presumbly, it is possible that, it is presumable that …


      • Jerry may be puzzled after listening to the lecturer’s explanation. (Jerry mungkin bingung setelah mendengarkan penjelasan dosen)
      • Maybe, Jerry is puzzled after reading the the manual instruction of using this electronic device. (Mungkin, Jerry bingung setelah membaca instruksi manual menggunakan alat elektronik ini)
      • It is probable that Smith and Naura travel to South Borneo to spend their holiday. (Mungkin Smith dan Naura bertamasya ke Kalimanan Selatan untuk menghabiskan liburan mereka)
      • Most likely, Agness Monica performed badly on the stage because she was being sick at the time. (Kemungkinan besar, Agness Monica tampil buruk di atas panggung karena ia sakit pada saat itu)
    2. Asking for permission (Meminta izin)Kita bisa menggunakan may untuk meminta izin. (Lihat juga ungkapan asking for permission untuk modal can/could di pembahasan sebelumnya)


      • May I replace this picture with the newest one? (Bolehkan saya mengganti gambar ini dengan gambar terbaru?)
      • May I bandage your boy’s injured leg? (Bolehkah saya memerban kakimu yang luka?)
      • May my daughter charter a domestic plane for a risky flight to Amazon? (Bolehkah anak perempuanku mencarter pesawat domestik untuk penerbangan yang berisiko ke Amazon?)
  3. WILL/WOULDWill/would artinya “hendak/akan/berencana”. Di lain sisi, modal ini memiliki fungsi sebagai ungkapan lain dalam bahasa Inggris.
    1. Plan/willingness (rencana/hasrat/maksud)Untuk mengungkapkan sesuatu yang akan terjadi di masa yang akan datang, kita gunakan will dan be going to
    • Will artinya akan. Digunakan untuk mengungkapkan sesuatu yang spontan dan tidak direncanakan.
    • Would artinya akan. Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu pengandaian di masa lampau (past time)
    • Be going to artinya akan yang sudah direncakan atau sudah pasti akan dilakukan karena ada klu-klu tertentu yang menjadi indikasi


      • Dany’s maid will fetch her daughter because it is suddenly snowy hard outside. (Pembantunya Dany akan menjemput anaknya karena mendadak turun salju di luaran sana-rencana mendadak)
      • That fotomodel is going to take photograph session after performing in International Model Show. (Fotomodel itu akan (sudah pasti/direncanakan) mengikuti sesi foto-foto setelah sampil di pertunjukan model Internasional)
    1. Offering something (menawarkan sesuatu)Offering something artinya menawarkan sesuatu ke orang lain. ungkapan yang digunakan adalah sebagai berikut: 
    • What would you like to drink/eat?
    • Would you have some fresh milk?
    •  Contoh:
      • What would you like to drink? Iced-tea or orange juice? (Apa yang ingin kamu minum? Es teh atau jus jeruk?)
      • Would you like to have some coffee with me? (Maukah ngopi sebentar dengan saya?)
      • Let’s have a cup of Japanesse tea? (Yuk ah ngeteh jepang dulu sebentar?)

Contoh Soal Isian Singkat

Isilah pertanyaan pertanyaan berikut dengan modal yang tepat yang ada di boks.

had to, might, ought to, could, most likely, might be, are going to, must, shall, could, must be, is able to, can, may be

  1. Marquez _________ wear the high quality helmet to protect his head from crashing with road.
  2. The police boat _________ faster than the pirates’ ship because it _______ seize the pirates’ ship yesterday.
  3. _______, the king was furious to his new servant because his food served to him tasted too salty
  4. This Indonesian ________ wear the thicker jacket due to the cold temperature in South Korea
  5. The travelers _________ have dinner in Paradiso Hotel because the bus stopped and has checked in there.
  6. _______ I consult to you about my paper, Sir?
  7. The officers _______ come on time otherwise the manager gives them a sanction
  8. Iriana ________ getting cold this morning since she was caught in rain last night
  9. A surgeon ________ do a minor surgery in an emergency situation along the road.
  10. We _______ have a relaxation and Yoga training in this hilly area to refresh our body’s condition.


  1. MustMarquez must wear the high quality helmet to protect his head from crashing with road. (Marquez harus mengenakan helm dengan kualitas tinggi untuk melindungi kepalanya dari benturan dengan jalan)
  2. Must be, couldThe police boat must be faster than the pirates’ ship because the police could seize it yesterday. (Kapal cepat polisi tersebut pasti lebih cepat dari kapalnya perompak karena polisi bisa menangkapnya kemarin). Could digunakan karena lampau (yesterday)
  3. Most likelyMost likely, the king was furious to his new servant because his food served to him tasted too salty. (Kemungkinan besar, raja marah ke di pelayan barunya tersebut karena makanan raja yang ia sajikan terlalu asin)
  4. Ought toThis Indonesian ought to wear a thicker jacket due to the cold temperature in South Korea. (Orang Indonesia ini sebaiknya mengenakan jaket yang lebih tebal karena uaca dingin di Korea Selatan)
  5. Are going toThe travelers are going to have dinner in Paradiso Hotel because the bus stopped and has checked in there. (Para tamasyawan tersebut akan makan malam di Hotel Paradiso karena busnya berhenti dan memesan hotel di sana)
  6. CouldCould I consult to you about my paper, Sir? (Bolehkah saya konsultasi ke anda perihal skripsi saya ini, Pak?)
  7. Have toThe officers have to come on time otherwise the manager gives them a sanction. (Para pegawai kantor tersebut harus datang tepat waktu jika tidak manajer akan memberi mereka sanksi)
  8. Might beIriana might be getting cold this morning since she was caught in rain last night. (Iriana mungkin demam karena ia kehujanan kemarin malam). Might be digunakan karena terjadi lampau. (last night)
  9. Is able toA surgeon is able to do a minor surgery in an emergency situation along the road. (Seorang dokter bedah bisa melakukan bedah kecil di kondisi darurat di jalanan). Is able to digunakan karena menunjukan kebisaan berdasarkan ahli/profesinya.
  10. ShallWe shall have a relaxation and Yoga training in this hilly area to refresh our body’s condition. (Kita akan relaksasi dan latihan Yoga di area berbukit ini untuk menyegarkan kondisi tubuh kita)

Contoh Soal Pilihan Ganda

Soal No. 11

Deni: Business people complain that there is a sharp increase of Chinese products flooding the Indonesian market.

Ahmad: it … due to the last year’s trade agreement between Indonesia and China.

  1. Would be
  2. Would rather be
  3. Must be
  4. Should be
  5. Has to be

Kata kerja bantu (modal) yang tepat untuk menyatakan kepastian atau sesuatu yang berdasarkan fakta.
Must + V1 (present conclusion)
Jawaban C

Soal No. 12

Dewi: Nine of Indonesia’s main rivers are contaminated with dangerously high levels of carbon dioxide.

Farah: I think the government … the dumping of industrial chemicals and agriculture and domestics waste by strictly implementing the law.

  1. Could prevent
  2. Must have prevented
  3. Should have been preventing
  4. Had better prevent
  5. Would have prevent

Sembilan dari sungai-sungai utama di Indonesia terkontaminasi  oleh karbon dioksida dengan kadar tinggi yang berbahaya. Respon Farah atas pernyataan Dewi yaitu “Saya pikir pemerintah seharusnya telah dan masih melakukan pencegahan (should have been preventing) pembuangan limbah kimia industry, pertanian, dan rumah tangga dengan menerapkan hukum secara ketat.”
Jawaban C

Soal No. 13

“I have called him several times to no avail. He must have forgotten to bring his mobile phone.” This means that he …

  1. Remembered bringing his mobile phone
  2. Didn’t have a mobile phone
  3. Didn’t forget to bring his mobile phone
  4. Didn’t remember to bring his mobile phone
  5. Couldn’t forget to bring his mobile phone

He must have forgotten to bring his mobile phone (dia pasti lupa membawa telepon genggamnya). Pernyataan tersebut bisa berarti dia tidak ingat untuk membawa telepon genggamnya (he didn’t remember to bring his mobile phone).
Jawaban D

Soal No. 14

“Excuse me. Could you tell me which bus I should take to get to Plaza Indonesia?”

“Sorry, I don’t know. You … ask the driver.”

  1. Had better
  2. Would rather
  3. Ought to have
  4. Could have
  5. Must have

Excuse me. Could you tell me which bus I should take to get to Plaza Indonesia?”
“Sorry, I don’t know. You … ask the driver.”
(Permisi. Bisakah anda memberi tahu saya bus mana yang harus saya naiki untuk sampai ke Plaza Indonesia?”
“Maaf, saya tidak tahu. Anda lebih baik bertanya pada pengemudi.”)
Lebih baik = had better
Jawaban A

Soal No. 15

Fred, you should have given the letter from the School Principal to your parents.” This means that Fred …

  1. Gave the letter to his parents
  2. Will give the letter to his parents
  3. Was giving the letter to his parents
  4. Is giving the letter to his parents
  5. Didn’t give the letters to his parents

“Fred, you should have given the letter from the School Principal to your parents.” This means that Fred …”(Fred, kamu seharusnya memberikan surat dari Kepala Sekolah kepada orang tuamu.” Artinya, Fred …)

Fred didn’t give the letters to his parents (Fred tidak memberikan surat kepada orang tuanya).
Jawaban E

Soal No. 16

“I’m ashamed because now all my family secrets are exposed in court”

“You … your neighbour for such a trival case.”

  1. Had better sue
  2. Should not have sued
  3. Might not have sued
  4. Would rather sue
  5. Could not have sued

“I’m ashamed because now all my family secrets are exposed in court” (saya malu karena sekarang semua rahasia keluarga say terungkap di pengadilan)
“You … your neighbour for such a trival case.”
(kamu … tetanggamu untuk kasus sepele seperti itu)
Pernyataan di atas menyatakan tentang saran masa lampau
Should have + V3
Should not have sued (seharusnya tidak menuntut)
Jawaban B

Soal No. 17
“This can’t be the way to Amsterdam.”
“What does the sentence mean?”

  1. The speaker was told that it wasn’t the way to Amsterdam
  2. The speaker probably knows the other way to Amsterdam
  3. The speaker doesn’t know the way to Amsterdam
  4. The speaker thinks that it isn’t the way to Amsterdam
  5. The speaker claims that it isn’t the way to Amsterdam

“This can’t be the way to Amsterdam.” (ini tidak mungkin jalan ke Amsterdam)
“What does the sentence mean?” (apa maksud kalimat itu?)
Penggunaan kata kerja bantu (modal) “can” berfungsi menyatakan suatu kemungkinan (probably/ possible).
Jawaban B

Soal No. 18

Jemma would leave the key on the doorknob. What does the sentence mean …

  1. There is a possibility that Jemma will leave the key in the doorknob
  2. Jemma left the key on the doorknob in the past
  3. Jemma will probably accidentally leave the key on the doorknob
  4. The speaker is certain that Jemma will leave the key on the doorknob
  5. It is typical of Jemma to leave the key on the doorknob

Jemma would leave the key on the doorknob (Jemma selalu meninggalkan kunci digagang pintu)
Kata kerja bantu (modal) “would” bermakna kebiasaan yang dilakukan secara berulang-ulang pada waktu lampau.
Jawaban B

Soal No. 19

He missed the train. He … earlier.

  1. Should have left
  2. Must have left
  3. Should leave
  4. Should be leaving
  5. Must leave

He missed the train. He … earlier. (Dia ketinggalan kereta. Dia … pergi lebih awal.)
Kata kerja bantu untuk memberi saran pada waktu lampau (should have + V3 ) yaitu should have left (seharusnya pergi).
Jawaban A

Soal No. 20

The thief broke into house. He stole all of the money last night. You … the money in the bank.

  1. May save
  2. Must save
  3. Must have saved
  4. Should have saved
  5. Would have saved

The thief broke into house. He stole all of the money last night. You … the money in the bank. (Pencuri masuk ke rumah. Dia mencuri semua uang tadi malam. Anda … uang di bank)

Kata kerja bantu untuk memberi saran pada waktu lampau (should have + V3 ) yaitu should have saved (seharusnya menabung).
Jawaban D

Soal No. 21

He didn’t answer when I knocked on the door. He … sleeping.

  1. May have been
  2. Can be
  3. Might have been
  4. Must
  5. May be

He didn’t answer when I knocked on the door. He … sleeping  (dia tidak menjawab Ketika saya mengetuk pintu. Dia … tidur)

Kata kerja bantu (modal) untuk menyatakan kemungkinan waktu yang lampau (might have + V3 ) yaitu might have been (mungkin sudah)
Jawaban C

Soal No. 22

Maria: Do you know why David wasn’t in the class this morning?

Doni: He … sick. He had a terrible headache last night.

  1. Had better be
  2. Would rather be
  3. Should have been
  4. Would have been
  5. Must have been

Do you know why David wasn’t in the class this morning? (Apakah Anda tahu mengapa David tidak ada di kelas pagi ini?)

He … sick. He had a terrible headache last night (Dia … sakit. Dia mengalami sakit kepala yang mengerikan tadi malam)

Kata kerja bantu untuk menyatakan pasti yang terjadi pada waktu lampau (must have + V3 ) yaitu must have been (pasti)
Jawaban E

Soal No. 23

“I heard that Diana was awarded a scholarship to continue her study.”

“Oh? That’s great. She … very pleased.”

  1. Must be
  2. Might be
  3. Will be
  4. Needs to be
  5. Could be

“I heard that Diana was awarded a scholarship to continue her study.”
(saya mendengar bahwa Diana diberikan beasiswa untuk melanjutkan studinya)
“Oh? That’s great. She … very pleased.”
(Oh? Itu keren. Dia … sangat senang)
Kalimat di atas memperlihatkan bahwa Diana pasti bahagia karena mendapatkan beasiswa (menyatakan kepastian pada waktu sekarang) ® must + V1 (must be)
Jawaban A

Soal No. 24

“May I borrow your pen, please?”

“Sorry, I can’t find it my bag. I … at home.”

  1. Should leave it
  2. Should have left it
  3. Had to leave it
  4. Must have left it
  5. Have to leave it

“May I borrow your pen, please?”
(Bolehkah saya meminjam pena kamu?)
“Sorry, I can’t find it my bag. I … at home.”
(Maaf, saya tidak dapat menemukannya di tas saya. Saya … di rumah)
Kalimat di atas menunjukkan kepastian yang terjadi diwaktu lampau → must have + V3 (must have left)
Jawaban D

Soal No. 25

I always admire artists who succeeded in winning the Citra Trophy. I’m sure they … for it.

  1. Must have worked hard
  2. Should be working hard
  3. Had rather work hard
  4. Ought to work hard
  5. Would have worked hard

I always admire artists who succeeded in winning the Citra Trophy.
(Saya selalu mengagumi artis yang berhasil memenangkan Piala Citra)
I’m sure they … for it.
(Saya yakin mereka … untuk itu)
Kalimat di atas menunjukkan kepastian yang terjadi pada waktu lampau (must have + V3 ) yaitu must have worked hard
Jawaban A

Soal No. 26

“Where is Mrs. Rina? Her class is scheduled to begin now.”

“Don’t worry, she … be here soon. She just called.”

  1. Must
  2. Would rather
  3. Should
  4. Had better
  5. Has to

“Where is Mrs. Rina?
(Di mana Bu Rina?)
Her class is scheduled to begin now.”
(Kelasnya dijadwalkan akan dimulai sekarang)
“Don’t worry, she … be here soon. She just called.”
(Jangan khawatir, dia … segera datang. Dia baru saja menelepon)
Kalimat di atas menyatakan hal yang pasti terjadi sekarang (must + V1): must be here
Jawaban A

Soal No. 27

“Why were they suddenly ill after having lunch in the cafetaria?”

“There … something wrong with the food.”

  1. Must have been
  2. Ought to be
  3. Would have been
  4. Might be
  5. Should have been

“Why were they suddenly ill after having lunch in the cafetaria?”
(mengapa mereka tiba-tiba sakit setelah makan siang di kafetaria?)
“There … something wrong with the food.”
(ada … yang salah dengan makanannya)
Kalimat di atas menyatakan kepastian yang terjadi pada waktu lampau yaitu must have + V3 (must have been)
Jawaban A

Soal No. 28

“I’m glad Adi’s academic performance has greatly improved this semester.”

“I bet, he … hard for that.”

  1. Should have worked
  2. Has to work
  3. Must have worked
  4. Would work
  5. Ought to have worked

“I’m glad Adi’s academic performance has greatly improved this semester.”
(Saya senang prestasi akademik Adi meningkat semester ini)
“I bet, he … hard for that.”
(aku yakin, dia … keras untuk itu)
Kalimat di atas menyatakan kepastian yang terjadi pada waktu lampau yaitu must have + V3 (must have worked)
Jawaban C

Soal No. 29

“We’re running out of fruits, while Fifi needs some this morning as she is on a diet.”

“You … to the neighbouring, fruit stall, then!”

  1. Had better hurry
  2. Would rather hurry
  3. May hurry
  4. Could hurry
  5. Might hurry

“We’re running out of fruits, while Fifi needs some this morning as she is on a diet.”
(kami kehabisan buah-buahan, sementara Fifi membutuhkannya pagi ini karena dia sedang diet)
“You … to the neighbouring, fruit stall, then!”
(Kamu … ke kios buah sebelah, kalau begitu)
Kalimat di atas menyatakan saran untuk sekarang/ sebaiknya (had better + V1 = had better hurry)
Jawaban A

Soal No. 30

“Think twice before you decide to marry a man much older than you.”

“ … “

  1. You’d better watch out
  2. I’d rather not say
  3. Say nothing else
  4. Mind your own business
  5. You should not interupt

“Think twice before you decide to marry a man much older than you.”
(Pikirkan dua kali sebelum kamu memutuskan untuk menikah dengan pria yang jauh lebih tua dari kamu)
Respon yang tepat adalah lebih senang saya tidak menanggapi (I’d rather not say)
Jawaban B

Soal No. 31

“I wonder why Hera has not contact me for so long.”

“She … busy looking after her baby, because her baby sitter has resigned.”

  1. Must have been
  2. Has to be
  3. Should have been
  4. Might have been
  5. Must be

“I wonder why Hera has not contact me for so long.”
(Aku heran kenapa Hera tidak menghubungiku begitu lama)
She … busy looking after her baby, because her baby sitter has resigned.”
(Dia … sibuk merawat bayinya, karena baby sitternya sudah mengundurkan diri)
Kalimat di atas menunjukkan kepastian yang terjadi sekarang ini (must + V1 = must be)
Jawaban E

Soal No. 32

“I wonder if the sound system and the over-head projector are ready for my presentation.”

“You … check the equipment before hand.”

  1. Had to
  2. Could have
  3. Had better
  4. Would rather
  5. Must have

“I wonder if the sound system and the over-head projector are ready for my presentation.”
(Saya ingin tahu apakah pengeras suara dan proyektor di depan sudah siap untuk presentasi saya?)
“You … check the equipment before hand.”
(Kamu … periksa peralatannya sebelum digunakan)
Kalimat di atas menyatakan saran untuk masa sekarang, maka kata kerja bantu yang tepat adalah had better.
Jawaban C

Soal No. 33

“My car was stolen from garage and I don’t know if I can buy another one.”

“You … it.”

  1. Had to insured
  2. Should have insured
  3. Will have insured
  4. Ought to insure
  5. Must have insured

“My car was stolen from garage and I don’t know if I can buy another one.”
(mobil saya dicuri dari garasi dan saya tidak tahu apakah saya bisa membeli lagi yang lain)
“You … it.”
(kamu … itu)
Kalimat di atas menunjukkan saran untuk kejadian masa lampau (should have + V3 = should have insured / seharusnya mengasuransikannya)
Jawaban B

Soal No. 34

“I tried to call Tini on her mobile phone yesterday, but I only got her mailbox.”

“She … to bring her phone, she often does that.”

  1. Had to forget
  2. Should have forgotten
  3. Must forget
  4. Must have forgotten
  5. Ought to forget

“I tried to call Tini on her mobile phone yesterday, but I only got her mailbox.”
(Saya mencoba telepon Tini melalui telepon genggamnya kemarin, tetapi selalu masuk kotak pesan suara)
“She … to bring her phone, she often does that.”
(Dia … bawa telepon genggamnya, dia memang selalu begitu)
Kalimat di atas menunjukkan kejadian yang pasti di masa lampau yaitu must have + V3 = must have forgotten.
Jawaban D

Soal No. 35

“Don’t forget to lock your front door when you leave.”

“I … my niece will stay at home today.”

  1. Not need to
  2. Don’t lock
  3. Shall not
  4. Won’t lock
  5. Don’t have to

“Don’t forget to lock your front door when you leave.”
(jangan lupa untuk mengunci pintu depan sebelum kamu pergi)
“I … my niece will stay at home today.”
(Aku … keponakanku akan tinggal di rumah hari ini)
Respon yang tepat untuk kalimat di atas adalah tidak harus (don’t have to)
Jawaban E

Soal No. 36

“There a letter stating that Ina has to leave for the U.S. next week.”

“Well, she … the news right away then.”

  1. Should tell
  2. Should have told
  3. Should be telling
  4. Should be told
  5. Should be telling it

“There a letter stating that Ina has to leave for the U.S. next week.”
(ada surat yang menyatakam bahwa Ina harus berangkat ke AS minggu depan)
“Well, she … the news right away then.”
(Yah, dia … berita itu segera)
Untuk menunjukkan saran pasif di masa sekarang (should be + V3 = should be told/ seharusnya diberitahu)
Jawaban D

Soal No. 37

“I remember when we were children, Robert … with a big smile that one day he would be famous.”

  1. Had to say
  2. Would rather have said
  3. Might have said
  4. Used to say
  5. Ought tohave said

“I remember when we were children, Robert … with a big smile that one day he would be famous.”
(Saya ingat ketika kami masih anak-anak, Robert … dengan senyum lebar bahwa suatu hari dia akan menjadi terkenal)
Untuk menunjukkan kebiasaan di masa lampau (used to + V1 = used to say/ biasa bicara)
Jawaban D

Soal No. 38

“This is the last flight from Jakarta, but I don’t see my daughter among the passangers.”

“She … the flight.”

  1. Must miss
  2. Must have missed
  3. Should miss
  4. Should have missed
  5. Ought to have missed

“This is the last flight from Jakarta, but I don’t see my daughter among the passangers.”
“She … the flight.”
(Ini penerbangan terakhir dari Jakarta, tapi saya tidak melihat putri saya di antara penumpang. Dia … penerbangan)
Jawaban yang tepat adalah pasti telah ketinggalan (must have missed)
Jawaban B

Soal No. 39

“I’m tired watching that movie; there is too much violence.”

“I agree; … the channel!?”

  1. I should change
  2. Would we rather change
  3. I must change
  4. Shall I change
  5. Had I better change

“I’m tired watching that movie; there is too much violence.”
(Saya lelah menonton film itu; ada terlalu banyak kekerasan)
“I agree; … the channel!?”
(Saya setuju; … saluran)
Untuk menyatakan permintaan ijin yaitu shall + I + V1 + O (shall I change) = bolehkah saya ganti.
Jawaban D

Soal No. 40

“Look at all those broken street lamps.”

“They … a long time ago.”

  1. Ought to repair
  2. Should repair
  3. Must be repaired
  4. Should have been repaired
  5. Must have been repaired

“Look at all those broken street lamps.”
(Lihat semua lampu jalan yang rusak itu)
“They … a long time ago.”
(Lampu-lampu itu … sejak dulu sekali)
Pada kalimat di atas untuk menyatakan saran berbentuk pasif pada masa lampu sebagai berikut:
Should have been + V3 = should have been repaired (seharusnya sudah diperbaiki)
Jawaban D

Soal No. 41

“It was a long and tiring flight from London.”

“Well, let me show you to your room then; you … by now.”

  1. Can be exhausted
  2. Must be exhausted
  3. Would be exhausted
  4. Could have been exhausted
  5. Might have been exhausted

“It was a long and tiring flight from London.”
(itu adalah penerbangan yang panjang dan melelahkan dari London)
“Well, let me show you to your room then; you … by now.”
(Baiklah, biarkan aku menunjukkan kamarmu kalau begitu; kamu … sekarang)
Untuk menyatakan kepastian di masa sekarang sebagai berikut:
Must be → must be exhausted (pasti sekarang sangat lelah)
Jawaban B

Soal No. 42

“I ran through the red light and I got fined by the traffic policement.”

“Oh, you … more carefull.”

  1. Must have been
  2. Could be
  3. Might have been
  4. May be
  5. Should have been

“I ran through the red light and I got fined by the traffic policement.”
(Saya menerobos lampu merah dan saya didenda oleh polisi lalu lintas)
“Oh, you … more carefull.”
(Oh, kamu … lebih hati-hati)
Untuk menyatakan saran di masa lampau sebagai berikut:
Should have + V3 (should have been) → seharusnya
Jawaban E

Soal No. 43

“I wonder where my reading glasses are. Have you seen them?”

“No, I haven’t. You … left them in the office.”

  1. Should have
  2. Should be having
  3. Must be having
  4. Could have
  5. Ought to have

“I wonder where my reading glasses are. Have you seen them?”
(Saya ingin tahu di mana kacamata baca saya. Pernahkah kamu melihatnya?)
“No, I haven’t. You … left them in the office.”
(Tidak, aku tidak melihatnya. Kamu … meningggalkannya di kantor)
Untuk menyatakan mungkin di masa lampau (mungkin tadi) sebagai berikut:
Might/may have + V3 atau could have + V3 (could have left)
Jawaban C

Soal No. 44

“I called him several times yesterday but there was no answer.”

“He … out of town.”

  1. Should have been
  2. Would rather so
  3. Might have been
  4. Had better been
  5. Would have been

“I called him several times yesterday but there was no answer.”
(Saya meneleponnya beberapa kali kemarin tetapi tidak ada jawaban)
“He … out of town.”
(Dia … di luar kota)
Untuk menyatakan mungkin di masa lampau sebagai berikut:
Might have + V3 = might have been (mungkin)
Jawaban C

Soal No. 45

“When I arrived at his office at 3.00, Indra was not there.”

“Well, he … early.”

  1. Should go home
  2. Must have gone home
  3. Might go home
  4. Would have gone home
  5. Had better go home

“When I arrived at his office at 3.00, Indra was not there.”
(Saat saya tiba di kantornya jam 3.00, Indra tidak ada)
“Well, he … early.”
(Yah, dia … awal)
Untuk menyatakan kepastian di masa lampau sebagai berikut:
Must have + V3 = must have gone home (pasti sudah pulang lebih awal)
Jawaban B

Soal No. 46

“I finally bought a computer but I’m not satisfied with it.”

“That’s too bad. You … Darno, our computer technician, for advice.”

  1. Should have asked
  2. May have asked
  3. Ought to ask
  4. Must have asked
  5. Would ask

“I finally bought a computer but I’m not satisfied with it.”
(Saya akhirnya membeli komputer tetapi saya tidak puas dengan itu)
“That’s too bad. You … Darno, our computer technician, for advice.”
(Itu sangat buruk. Kamu … Darno, teknisi komputer kami, untuk meminta saran)
Jawaban yang tepat untuk mengisi titik-titik di atas adalah seharusnya tanya (should have asked)
Jawaban A

Soal No. 47

“I can’t find my handphone in my bag!”

“Well, you … in the car. Let’s take a look!”

  1. May have to leave it
  2. Had to leave it
  3. Should have left it
  4. May have left it
  5. Must leave it

“I can’t find my handphone in my bag!”
(Saya tidak dapat menemukan ponsel saya di tas saya)
“Well, you … in the car. Let’s take a look!”
(Baiklah, kamu … di dalam mobil. Ayo lihat!)
Jawaban yang tepat untuk mengisi titik-titik di atas adalah mungkin kamu meninggalkannya (may have left)
Jawaban D

Soal No. 48

“I’ve heard that Alex was fined $100 for littering when he was in Singapore.”

“Really? He … that there is law against littering in public places.”

  1. Might have know
  2. Could have known
  3. Ought not to have know
  4. Should not have known
  5. Must not have known

I’ve heard that Alex was fined $100 for littering when he was in Singapore.”
(Saya pernah mendengar bahwa Alex didenda $100 karena membuang sampah sembarangan ketika dia berada di Singapura)
“Really? He … that there is law against littering in public places.”
(Benarkah? Dia … bahwa ada hukum yang melarang membuang sampah sembarangan di tempat umum)
Untuk menyatakan kepastian di masa lampau sebagai berikut:
Must not have + V3 (must not have known = pasti tidak tahu)
Jawaban E

Soal No. 49

“Was John accepted at Astra?”

“He might have been; I haven’t seen him around for soe time.”

From above sentence we may conclude that he …

  1. Refuses to work for Astra
  2. Is not working for Astra
  3. Is still unemployed
  4. Was certainly accepted
  5. Was probably accepted

“Was John accepted at Astra?”
(Apakah John diterima di Astra?)
“He might have been; I haven’t seen him around for soe time.”
(Dia mungkin diterima: Saya belum pernah melihatnya untuk beberapa waktu yang lama)
From above sentence we may conclude that he …
(Dari kalimat di atas kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa dia …)
Yang menyatakan kemungkinan di masa lampau adalah was probably accepted (kemungkinan dia diterima di Astra karena tidak terlihat untuk beberapa waktu)
Jawaban E

Soal No. 50

“Does Anto know that Mirna had accident yesterday?”

“I don’t think so. We … as soon as we knew it.”

  1. May have told him
  2. Should have told him
  3. Had to tell him
  4. Must have told him
  5. Had better tell him

“Does Anto know that Mirna had accident yesterday?”
(Apakah Anto tahu bahwa Mirna mengalami kecelakaan kemarin?)
“I don’t think so. We … as soon as we knew it.”
(Saya rasa tidak. Kami … segera setelah kami mengetahuinya)
Untuk menyatakan saran di masa lampau sebagai berikut:
Should have + V3 = should have told / seharusnya memberitahukan
Jawaban B

Soal No. 50

“Does Anto know that Mirna had accident yesterday?”

“I don’t think so. We … as soon as we knew it.”

  1. May have told him
  2. Should have told him
  3. Had to tell him
  4. Must have told him
  5. Had better tell him

“Does Anto know that Mirna had accident yesterday?”
(Apakah Anto tahu bahwa Mirna mengalami kecelakaan kemarin?)
“I don’t think so. We … as soon as we knew it.”
(Saya rasa tidak. Kami … segera setelah kami mengetahuinya)
Untuk menyatakan saran di masa lampau sebagai berikut:
Should have + V3 = should have told / seharusnya memberitahukan
Jawaban B

Soal No. 51

“May I play outside with my friend?”

“No, you … stay in the bed until the fever is gone.”

  1. Can
  2. Might
  3. May
  4. Could
  5. Must

“May I play outside with my friend?”
(Bolehkah saya bermain di luar dengan teman saya?)
“No, you … stay in the bed until the fever is gone.”
(Tidak, kamu  … tetap di tempat tidur sampai demamnya hilang)
Untuk menyatakan keharusan yaitu must (harus)
Jawaban E

Soal No. 52

The curtain are dirty; we … at the dry cleaner’s.

  1. Must have washed them
  2. Have washed them
  3. Should have them washed
  4. Are washing them
  5. Washing them

The curtain are dirty; we … at the dry cleaner’s (Tirai kotor; kami … di binatu)
Kata kerja bantu yang dapat digunakan yaitu:
Should have + thing + V3 = should have them washed (seharusnya menyuruh tirai-tirai tersebut dicuci)
Jawaban C

Soal No. 53

They should have got out of their house when the fire was spreading to their neighbour’s house.

From the above sentence we may conclude that …

  1. They got trapped in the fire
  2. They succeeded in escaping from the fire
  3. They got out of their house on time
  4. The fire did not reach the house
  5. Their neighbour’s house was not on fire

They should have got out of their house when the fire was spreading to their neighbour’s house (Mereka seharusnya sudah keluar dari rumah ketika api merembet ke rumah tetangga mereka)
From the above sentence we may conclude that …
(Dari kalimat di atas dapat kita simpulkan bahwa …)
Maka kesimpulan dari kalimat di atas adalah mereka tidak berhasil keluar dari rumah mereka atau mereka terperangkap d dalam rumah (They got trapped in the fire)
Jawaban A

Soal No. 54

They have lost all their possessions in the fire; they … a hard time now.

  1. May have had
  2. Must be having
  3. Ought to have
  4. Used to have
  5. Are to have

They have lost all their possessions in the fire; they … a hard time now (Mereka telah kehilangan semua harta benda mereka dalam kebakaran; mereka  … mengalami waktu yang sulit sekarang)
Untuk menyatakan kepastian pada masa sekarang yaitu must be + Ving  = must be having (pasti)
Jawaban B

Soal No. 55

“Toni no longer waits for Nita to eat lunch at the cafetaria; and he doesn’t call her either.”

“Well, he … no longer be interested in dating her.”

  1. Could
  2. Ought to
  3. Should
  4. Has to
  5. May

“Toni no longer waits for Nita to eat lunch at the cafetaria; and he doesn’t call her either.”
(toni tidak lagi menunggu Nita makan siang di kantin; dan dia juga tidak meneleponnya lagi)
“Well, he … no longer be interested in dating her.”
(Baiklah, dia … tidak lagi tertarik berkencan dengannya)
Untuk menyatakan kemungkinan adalah may ( mungkin)
Jawaban E

Soal No. 56

When we got home, we found the front door open, some body … entered the house while we were away.

  1. Could
  2. Would have
  3. Should have
  4. Ought to have
  5. Must have

When we got home, we found the front door open, some body … entered the house while we were away (Ketika kami sampai di rumah, kami menemukan pintu depan terbuka, seseorang … memasuki rumah saat kami pergi)
Untuk menyatakan kepastian pada masa lampau sebagai berikut:
Must have + V3 (must have entered) → pasti
Jawaban E

Soal No. 57

“Why weren’t you at Yanti’s birthday party last night?”

“Oh, I … overtime.”

  1. Must work
  2. Must have worked
  3. Had to work
  4. Ought to have work
  5. Should work

“Why weren’t you at Yanti’s birthday party last night?”
(kenapa kamu tidak ada di pesta ulang tahun Yanti tadi malam?“Oh, I … overtime.”
(Oh, aku … lembur)
Untuk menyatakan keharusan pada masa yang lampau sebagai berikut:
Had to + V1 = had to work (harus kerja)
Jawaban C

Soal No. 58

“David got an ‘A’ for Mathematics.”

“That is great! He … about it.”

  1. Must be happy
  2. Had to be happy
  3. Could have been happy
  4. Should have been happy
  5. Have to be happy

“David got an ‘A’ for Mathematics.”
(David mendapatkan nilai ‘A’ untuk matematika)
“That is great! He … about it.”
(Itu hebat! Dia … tentang itu)
Untuk menyatakan kepastian pada masa sekarang sebagai berikut:
Must + V1 (must be happy) = pasti senang
Jawaban A

Soal No. 59

I didn’t know there was a test yesterday. You … me about it.

  1. Would have told
  2. Should tell
  3. Might have told
  4. Could tell
  5. Should have told

I didn’t know there was a test yesterday
(Saya tidak tahu ad ates kemarin)
You … me about it.
(Kamu … saya tentang hal itu)
Untuk menyatakan saran pada masa lampau sebagai berikut:
Should have + V3 = should have told (seharusnya memberitahu)
Jawaban E

Soal No. 60

“I’m sorry, I was not able to finish typing your paper.”

“Well, it was my fault, I … you with so much work.”

  1. Might not have burdened
  2. Had not burdened
  3. Should not have burdened
  4. Would not burden
  5. Could not have burdened

I’m sorry, I was not able to finish typing your paper.”
(Maaf, saya tidak bisa menyelesaikan mengetik makalah kamu)
“Well, it was my fault, I … you with so much work.”
(Baiklah, itu salahku, aku … kamu dengan begitu banyak pekerjaan)
Untuk menyatakan saran pada masa lampau yaitu:
Should have + V3 atau should not have + V3 (should not have burdened = seharusnya tidak membebani)
Jawaban C

Soal No. 61

There was so much noise next door. Our neighbour … from their vacation abroad.

  1. May come back
  2. Would have come back
  3. Is supposed to come back
  4. Must have come back
  5. Ought to come back

There was so much noise next door. Our neighbour … from their vacation abroad.
(Ada begitu banyak kebisingan di sebelah. Tetangga kita … dari liburan mereka di luar negeri)
Untuk menyatakan kepastian pada masa lampau yaitu:
Must have + V3 = must have come back (pasti sudah kembali)
Jawaban D

Soal No. 62

“I need more data about this topic.”

“Julia might be able to help you.”

The underlined sentence means: …

  1. Perhaps Julia can help you
  2. Julia can help you right now
  3. I’m sure Julia will be able to help you
  4. Julia will certainly be able to help you
  5. Julia was able to help you

“I need more data about this topic.”
(Saya membutuhkan lebih banyak data tentang topik ini)
“Julia might be able to help you.”
(Julia mungkin bisa membantumu)
The underlined sentence means: …
Untuk menyatakan kemungkinan yang kuat yaitu:
Might + V1 = perhaps
Jawaban A

Semoga Bermanfaat