49 Quiz Discourse Analysis Lengkap Jawaban

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34. “My father came home while I was watching television.”
How do the clauses relate?
A. The first happens before the second
B. The first and the second happen at the same time
C. The second happens before the first
D. The answers of the first and the second happen

C. The second happens before the first

35. I am going to watch the film this evening unless it rains. Lexical signal dalam kalimat di atas adalah…
A. I
B. watch
C. rains
D. unless

D. unless

36. In analyzing written discourse, the third category of lexical signals, vocabulary , consists of…
A. Subordinators
B. Coordinators
C. Nouns, verb, adjective
D. Adverbs

C. Nouns, verb, adjective

37. Which one of the following sentences that has zig-zag pattern?
A. Music has been created since the early ages
B. One day , he got very tired. He had worked hard all days long. He was happy because his boss gave him some reward.
C. His father has a car. He always goes to work by a car.

D. My sister likes to cook noodle


C. His father has a car. He always goes to work by a car.

38. A: Have you done your homework?
B: No. I haven’t done the homework
The first movein the above utterance belongs to…
A. Statement
B. Question
C. Order
D. Request

B. Question

39. X: I think the teacher should have a new decision
Y: Could you be more specific? The term ‘new decision’ is still too general.
Based on the above conversation, we can see that what Y’s utterance shows … .
A. Turn taking
B. Back chanels
C. Topic
D. Answer

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B. Back chanels

40. The text pattern which is usually contain common ground information is categorized as … .
A. Cause-effect pattern
B. General-specific pattern
C. Claim-counter-claim pattern
D. Problem solution pattern

C. Claim-counter-claim pattern

41. Writing is a complex sociocognitive process involving the construction of recorded messages on paper or on some other material, and, more recently, on a computer screen. The skills needed to write range from making the appropriate graphic marks, through utilizing the resources of the chosen language, and anticipating the reactions of the intended readers. The first skill area involves acquiring a writing system, which may be alphabetic (as in European languages) or nonalphabetic (as in many Asian languages).
The text above has… pattern.
A. Cause-effect pattern
B. General-specific pattern
C. Claim-counter-claim pattern
D. Problem solution pattern

B. General-specific pattern

42. T : Is there any students absent today?
S: No one is
The pattern of exchanges in the above conversation is … .
A. T = K1, S= K2
B. T = K2, S = K1
C. T = K2f, S = K1f
D. T= K1f, S= K2f

B. T = K2, S = K1

43 Speaker (S) wishes Hearer(H) to believe that S is not in favour of H’s having performed an act, as being against the interests of S. This relation is included in:
A. Request
B. Suggest
C. Complain
D. propose

B. Suggest

44. “You should see the doctor.” This expression is categorized into … .
A. Request
B. Suggest
C. Tell
D. Justify

B. Suggest

45. “John wishes Mery to know that Peter wishes to address Mery at this point in time.”
The above analysis of the spoken discourse belongs to ….
A. Interruptor
B. Leavetake
C. Exclaim
D. Accept

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A. Interruptor

46. P: I think I can cook this cake
Q: Really
T o analyze the above conversation based on the exchanges is … .
A. P = request, Q = claim
B. P = Claim; Q = accept
C. P= tell; Q = Exclaim
D. P= purpose; Q = accept

C. P= tell; Q = Exclaim

1. S1
2. S1 ^ S2f
3. S1 ^ S2f ^ S1f
4. S2 ^ S1^ S2f ^ S1f
Which of the above structure is called a two-slot exchange?
A. Number 1
B. Number 2
C. Number 3
D. Number 4

B. Number 2

T : Good morning students. Well, today , we are going to practice the
dialogue by doing role play .
The above discourse is categorized as ….
A. K1-initiated
B. Dk1-initiated
C. K2-initiated
D. Dk2 -initiated

A. K1-initiated

49. We can analyze students’ roles in classroom interaction in the aspect of … .
A. the interaction developed by the teacher
B. the patterns of communication being developed by the teacher
C. the students’ contribution during the teaching-learning processes

D. the kinds of learning behaviors in understanding the texts

A. the interaction developed by the teacher

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